#indieweb 2021-03-19

2021-03-19 UTC
This from one year ago makes me want to discuss again. https://david.shanske.com/2020/03/18/3309/
I need to make my On This Day feature send me stuff.
[David Shanske] During tonight’s online Indieweb NYC Meetup, I asked the question: If in 100 years, all historians had to learn about you was what was on your website…would that be enough?
GWG, do you have notifications from your On This Day posts?
[tantek]: No, that's what I am thinking of adding
got it. sounds good!
I just started setting up a This Week feed because This Day might get annoying
WordPress already supports it with a query string.
So, I just have to do some rewrites and other prettification
But notifications or emails would be interesting
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
What is a forum?
It looks like we don't have a page for "forum" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "forum is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[scojjac] joined the channel
GWG, notifications for an On This Week would be much nicer than daily notifications which I've personally found annoying in Timehop (especially since they do multiple notifications within a day).
Maybe even better would be notifications for "on the week ahead", so you'd get advance warning of birthdays, anniversaries and other bigger events which you'd actively celebrated and posted about in the past.
Isn't that more calendar?
I don't necessarily put the birthdays of my daughter's friends into my calendar, but seeing photos of parties from prior years is a nice reminder to tell her or other family members about. Photos/posts also have more sentimental value to inspire me to do something for anniversaries over the dry anniversary/birthday calendar entries that I know I _should_ do something.
[chrisaldrich]: This is for posts...do you have posts for people's birthdays?
The slug will be /thisweek
I think on doesn't work in that
Although I could be convinced
usually no posts for birthdays, but often photo posts from parties, dinners, and other celebrations, which are obviously from birthdays and anniversaries, so it serves the same purpose.
I don't know about emails or popups on mobile... starting just with a feed
Often with Timehop, I don't get around to looking at them until the end of the day and see things that make me remember events for which I end up calling friends or family about the following day to say belated XYZ.
Sometimes if I'm saying happy birthday, it's fun to have a link to a post from a past event to say, "Remember this...?" It's something I've done several times during the pandemic when we haven't bee able to go out to parties, dinners, etc, but can share and reminisce over the past and look forward to a better future.
If you have this coming week reminders, you can often plan anniversary posts for things as well.
Tantek has mentioned some examples of this recently here in thinking about the last time we did HWCs in person a year ago. If you don't get the notification until that day, you're more pressed to spend the time and attention that you might think it deserves to get it out on the day of the actual anniversary. If you've had the notification a bit in advance, you're helping yourself out.
If I remember, your implementation of OTD was flexible enough to specify almost any day, so if one missed a day, it was easy enough to look back. I suspect the functionality above could be used manually to do the week ahead functionality without requiring more work on the plugins part.
Yes, it's all built in
IWSlackGateway, alex11, kensp, DanC and opal joined the channel
Day One would be fun for surfacing that sort of thing a week in advance.
[Rose] and ramin joined the channel
jamietanna and opal joined the channel
jeremycherfas: What is Day One?
Hello, ramin
It is a silo journalling app that has very good data export and Shortcuts support.
Not familiar with it
I gave up on it when it moved to a subscription model, but the truth is, for my use, it is worth it, so I got on board again.
markopasha joined the channel
What’s the IndieWeb community like, and how does one partake (in the absence of physical meetups)?
bltavares_, awolf, supercoven, markopas1 and [scojjac] joined the channel
@doosbox community-wise, there's this chat as well as the HWC meetups which are currently on Zoom - events.indieweb.org
and of course, interacting with others' sites via webmention ;)
the chat-names wiki page is a good rabbit hole for seeing different indieweb sites
also, the webring page has examples to click through, like the indieweb webring (by schmarty)
KartikPrabhu, kensp, [Rose] and [schmarty] joined the channel
i can't believe i still don't have a good way to post videos to my site
i used to do it through instagram and ownyourgram would backfeed them
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
I'm not all the way through yet, but this article on newsletters is _very_ IndieWeb in spirit and has some interesting guidance: https://tedium.co/2021/03/19/self-hosted-substack-alternatives-guide/
opal and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
what is a newsletter/
what is a newsletter?
A newsletter is a regularly scheduled email that is sent out on a specific topic to an email list https://indieweb.org/newsletter
A newsletter is a regularly scheduled email that is sent out on a specific topic to an email list https://indieweb.org/newsletter
onf[m], [tantek] and kensp joined the channel
What is context?
context is everything around and about something, typically the nearer the more relevant, such as the graphic design surrounding a post, information around a post like the reply-context for a reply or its longer thread and previous discussions on the subject, posts by an author (perhaps of the same type) before and after a particular post, or conditions around a post like location, weather, date, and time of day https://indieweb.org/context
wolftune joined the channel
I like how Ana's post has the additional context at the bottom including Mood, what she's doing, thinking, and listening to (presumably while writing the post). [Ana_Rodrigues]++
[Ana_Rodrigues] has 14 karma in this channel over the last year (24 in all channels)
I don't see that often though I seem to remember some tidbits of context like that in LiveJournal posts. Does anyone else add this sort of /context to their posts? I know there are some of us that add weather and location. That page doesn't have much in the way of examples....
Seirdy and [Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
Thanks [chrisaldrich] ! I wrote about it here: https://ohhelloana.blog/mood-doing-thinking-listening/
Slightly outdated now since I am setting them up in a different way now. But livejournal still uses it.
I added an unofficial mood mode to Post Kinds for acegiak
[jeremyfelt] joined the channel
I’ve started adding some now playing/now drinking/date started/date finished info to the bottom of my posts and then hiding it for unauthenticated users (in WP) with https://wordpress.org/plugins/content-visibility/
So.. visible to me context 🙂
[jeremyfelt]: Fun
[Rich Tape] Description Content Visibility provides a set of controls to say whether each discrete piece of content (or ‘block’ in WordPress parlance) should be shown to users who are signed in to your site or not. Additional add-ons provide controls for ro...
What is mood?
mood is sometimes expressed explicitly in or about a post, by the post author https://indieweb.org/mood
That sounds somewhat similar to RSS Club https://daverupert.com/2018/01/welcome-to-rss-club/, but done in a different place/context. If you get a moment or have written about doing that you should put your example on the wiki page [jeremyfelt]. I think if more people knew about it, more would be doing it.
What is RSS Club?
[chrisaldrich]: that's a lot of dev jargon! can you move to #indieweb-dev?
It looks like we don't have a page for "RSS Club" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "RSS Club is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Oh, I like that! RSS only blocks!
I forgot Loqi prefers deeds that are dry-er. ;(
ok, I added "https://daverupert.com/2018/01/welcome-to-rss-club/" to the "See Also" section of /RSS https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=74952&oldid=72790
There are definitely times where I want to add small tidbits to certain posts for family and friends that don't show up for the general public. That content visibility functionality could be fun.
We still need better ways for limiting audience or making some of these things more private.
It would be nice if I could let people log into my site with their own and then, perhaps doing matching (maybe with the old XFN friends data like contact, acquaintance, muse, family, etc.) one could allow them access to these sorts of blocks of content.
I'll stop there since I'm running up up against Loqi's filter and need to run an errand or two, but Kevin Mark's example using verification might be a simple way to do this from site to site in a simple way: http://www.kevinmarks.com/distributed-verify.html (we might move this to #indieweb-dev for those continuing it).
Distributed Verification 2016-09-22
I like it. I’ve been starting to think through how to auto-verify commenters in a nicer way, this is helpful reading.
I work in a system where they have privileged blocks...sections only visible to people with certain permissions/settings.
Could be interesting
[chrisaldrich] I think there's definitely some uses for such protected content areas in a post
if one can protect content within a post, protecting the entire post shouldn't be too much more work hopefully. The bigger question is how to do it more easily across sites.
Maybe worth stubbing out a pop up session for this? I'll pop over to #indieweb-meta and the calendar in just a bit if folks are interested.
[chrisaldrich]: definitely curious about that
like I'd love to have footnotes/pull-quotes in content that's visible only to some people
what is ephemeral content
It looks like we don't have a page for "ephemeral content" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "ephemeral content is ____", a sentence describing the term)
ephemeral content is /expiring_post
[jeremyfelt]1, omz13-, mavidser, lmorchard6852 and buirg joined the channel
The academic in me feels that putting content into footnotes automatically makes it invisible to almost everyone to begin with. 😁
Hey im getting into the small web thing, learned self hosting, got my own website, and started to host workshop around my friends to share the fun
I just discovered indie web and id like to understand stuff such as micro formats or webmentions. You have ressources ?
what is getting started?
Get started on the indieweb by connecting with the indiewebcamp community, getting a personal domain, a place for your content, and setting up your home page and other indieweb essentials https://indieweb.org/Getting_Started
onf[m]: welcome! what is your website URL?
I would like to learn good practices for this type of site