[KevinMarks]substack << “So Substack has an editorial policy, but no accountability. And they have terms of service, but no enforcement. … It’s the usual Silicon Valley sleight-of-hand move, very similar to Uber reps claiming drivers aren’t “core” to their business.” https://thehypothesis.substack.com/p/heres-why-substacks-scam-worked-so
[schmarty], Gargron, a_chou, bltavares, KartikPrabhu, markopasha, marinin[t], tomlarkworthy, ShadowKyogre and [jgmac1106] joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
jeremycherfasNothing to do with wanting to support or not. Just for information, that's all. As it happens, I am busy today and tomnorrow, and not sure how much I would get out of it in any case.
[jgmac1106]...i know, iI apologize for overreacting but when someone is trying to recruit people for something they think is overall good throwing shade as first response gets discouraging for visitors new to the space
joaocI saw your video "🔨 Build with me! Building a tally light for the ATEM Mini with an M5Stick esp32" on YouTube and I'm planning to make that but instead of an M5Stick esp32 I would like to build on M5Stack Core2 ESP32 becaus I like more the sqare shape attached to the cameras.
joaocMy question is: can I put your code into that or since it's a different device with a different screen size I will need to change something in the code?
joaocps.: I tried to contact you through several sources because in the next few days I will have a project and I needed to have it working already, I apologize for that and please ignore the repeated messages
ShadowKyogre, [scojjac], [Murray], NinjaTrappeur, [tantek], nickodd, [chrisaldrich], kensp, [schmarty], supercoven_ and wolftune joined the channel; ShadowKyogre and shoesNsocks left the channel