[manton]Haha. I’m not usually very sympathetic to big tech CEOs, but I am during these hearings. The 5-minute question/answer format just isn’t helpful for understanding any issues.
[tantek]viral is an adjective used to describe posts that are shared very broadly very rapidly, usually on [[silo]]s, often due to some timely aspect of the post, like humor related to current events, or a well explained summary of an otherwise complex issue, or both, almost always eliciting a strong emotional response which motivates rapid sharing.
[tantek]viral << Criticism: 2021-03-26 [https://world.hey.com/dhh/no-more-platforms-please-8f01445e No more platforms please] <blockquote>Despite its obviously ominous name, "viral" has long served as the top trophy for the platform people. Has there been a better year than this to attempt a cure? Virality is a bug not a feature. […] This constant quest for virality might make good ideas burn 10x as bright, but also 10x as short.</blockquote>
Loqiok, I added "Criticism: 2021-03-26 [https://world.hey.com/dhh/no-more-platforms-please-8f01445e No more platforms please] <blockquote>Despite its obviously ominous name, "viral" has long served as the top trophy for the platform people. Has there been a better year than this to attempt a cure? Virality is a bug not a feature. […] This constant quest for virality might make good ideas burn 10x as bright, but also 10x as short.</blockquote>" to a brand new "See Also" section of /viralhttps://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=75039&oldid=75038