#indieweb 2021-03-25

2021-03-25 UTC
maxwelljoslyn: The meeting is on.
I have to go unload a car in the rain
Be back shortly
shoesNsocks1 and rsheftel1 joined the channel
I don't know what happend
Seirdy, KempfCreative and maxwelljoslyn joined the channel
As of right now tonight's HWC Americas has gone on for three hours! Is this a record?! I sure hope so. After-action report: topics worked well as an organizing mechanism but we didn't have so many we needed to vote. We wandered between the declared topics and some additional areas like posting music and owning your scrobbles. We also saw some action on the Dave Shanske Fan Club front! chrisaldrich ...
Matthias1 joined the channel
lots of good chat tonight!
thanks to GWG and maxwelljoslyn for keeping us going :)
you were part of the good chat Jacky! Thanks for showing up :)
Fouuuuuur houuuurrsssssssss of HWC! A record? We can only hope!!
We are drinking beer and discussing the right way to mark up bike rides!
It is as if COVID never existed!
IRCsum joined the channel
A five-hour HWC! Call the Guinness Book of Records! Nobody can surpass such length!
[tantek] joined the channel
extended the event just so I could join the Zoom 😂
Quoth Tantek, upon arriving in a ludicrously long HWC: "What are you all doing?!" And there was laughter, and much rejoicing, and the conversation continued... now playing: discussion of a concept Tantek is workshopping names for - redirecting e.g. tantek.example/github/cassis to github.com/tantek/cassis ...
jacky joined the channel
good HWC!
Leeky, alex11, dhanesh, schmudde, lmorchard6852 and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Why use github rather than git for the directory? You might choose another git host in future
Link Own Site External Repository? Hm this acronym needs work
[kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
Wow. I knew I would be too sleepy to even attempt last night's HWC. I didn't know that if I attempted it, I'd be wanting to stay until 3 AM my time!
That's really impressive.
[kimberlyhirsh]: We wrapped around midnight eastern
Did it go on after I left?
It looked like it might
[Rose], dhanesh and [scojjac] joined the channel
wow sounds like a good night, glad it was successful
hs0ucy and [tantek] joined the channel
GWG, yes it went til at least 23:30 PDT
was it really four hours? sheeesh
how many people are at the americas ones? we had some really long EU ones back then, but usually the last 2-3 h were just 3 of us talking about whatever
I suppose all the wage slaves are busy in the late afternoon CET. I can never manage after 18:00
I think it was about 7 - 9 of us!
no, it was 11
[scojjac] joined the channel
Well I just ordered some new running shoes so now it’s time to read up on posting runs to le blog
oh the HWC went on a _lot_ later
I got off the call around ~8:30
they ran onto 11
thebuzzing joined the channel; NinjaTrappeur left the channel
I left at a little after 9pm your time
mxd joined the channel
nolith3 and [snarfed] joined the channel
@mxd thanks I will check it out
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
andersju, ShadowKyogre and [Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
maxwelljoslyn++ thanks for that thoughtful message. I never attended HWC Americas but the message is applicable to all events. ✨
maxwelljoslyn has 8 karma in this channel over the last year (10 in all channels)
[schmarty], sivoais, fredcy-, kevinsan, bdeshi, patcoll, cleanshirt, rinfo, Kaja, djmoch, sumner, dckc, uncle_0gre, __number5__, Bitweasil, reidab, tinfoil-hat_, ned0, Gargron, timotimo, joshproehl, petermolnar, blueyed, micahrl, wagle, sensiblemn_, Salt, enpo, smacko, ben_thatmustbeme, petermolnar_, AkyRhO, omz13, leo60228, bleb, wolftune, kiero, Loqi, sebbu, strugee, astroanax, JasonO, njd, oenone, rektide2, nsh, aciccarello[m], opal, micro, Ariadne, oodani, distopico, voxpelli, willnorris, shakeel, astronavt, seekr, unrelentingtech, qa5, rrix, jigawatt, j605, alex11, DanC, schmudde, ecobos, egoexpress, Seirdy, jbove, lanodan, mattl, genehack, anarchivist, ludovicchabant, peterrother, jmac, deathrow1, ehmry, segnior, chkilroy, bleb_, rektide, mavidser_, hs0ucy, stevestreza, Zegnat, gbmor, nolith3, rhiaro, jjuran, lahacker, [Rose], rektide2_, krjt, sebsel, Simounet, jimpick, XgF, themaxdavitt, sivoais_, daf1, geman, doosboox, fredcy|, [KevinMarks]1, honeyedbees, sensiblemn, Leeky, jacky, alxd, GWG, fredcy_, Matthew[m], mindranger[m], astrojl_matrix, edsu, perflyst[m], Caleb[m], Guest58967, bw3, reed, presgas[m], Paul[m]11, JohnConway[m], [pioneer][m], jamietanna[m], joshghent[m], Salt[m], smacko[m], kolaente, PaulB[m], solari[m], nekr0z, lionirdeadman, JackyAlcin[m], SumnerEvans[m], atj[m], batkin[m], moftasa[m], Mikaela[meow], wombelix, Ruben[m], there, onf[m], joachim-happel[m, Yoplala[m], Joachim[m], cbradford[m], knjmajd[m], sknebel[m], slower_loris[m], tomlarkworthy, [jacky], [fluffy], shoesNsocks1, [tantek], marcusr, clawfire_ and [suze_shardlow1] joined the channel; sensiblemn left the channel
I should get right on linkylinky.link then
Really confused how this is more than a one person project / company.
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
they’re branching out
KempfCreative joined the channel
Interesting way to steer folks away from misinfo (and more towards info grounded in science etc.) https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03344-2
I've been seeing that and thought something was wrong b/c the link opened versus doing a RT
even though I read it in advance
tomlarkworthy, yar, [snarfed] and maxwelljoslyn joined the channel
Ana_Rodrigues: you're very welcome. just dong my job.
scojjac - last night at HWC Ben Atkinson benatkin.com demo'd a start to posting runs on his site w/ microformats - may want to review his markup and compare once u've done ur own
[scojjac] joined the channel
maxwelljoslyn thanks, will do! tried out a wp plugin for managing and displaying .gpx data but haven't checked its markup
opal joined the channel