#indieweb 2021-04-06

2021-04-06 UTC
Seirdy, KartikPrabhu, KempfCreative, [scojjac], [tantek], [fluffy], tomlarkworthy, opal, [KevinMarks], ben_thatmustbeme, schmudde and jeremych_ joined the channel
I’ve done a bunch of solutions for my own page in cgi scripts lately. My first thought around webmentions and websub was to implement them in that, too. But correct me if I’m wrong: there’s generally no way for a cti script to set response code or headers, is there?
hs0ucy and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
that depends on the cgi library you're using I think
KempfCreative and schmudde joined the channel
cgi is underrated these days; it's the only thing I miss from nginx
lamba functions before it was cool
misses from nginx too
pats Loqi
[tw2113_Slack_], [Murray], [chrisaldrich], [tantek], [fluffy], kensp, PauloPinto, KartikPrabhu, [KevinMarks] and hs0ucy joined the channel
on this day << “*I don’t want to have to empty my photo albums just because tech companies decided to make them “smart” and create an infinite loop of grief.”* https://www.wired.com/story/weddings-social-media-apps-photos-memories-miscarriage-problem/
ok, I added "“*I don’t want to have to empty my photo albums just because tech companies decided to make them “smart” and create an infinite loop of grief.”* https://www.wired.com/story/weddings-social-media-apps-photos-memories-miscarriage-problem/" to the "See Also" section of /on_this_day https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=75203&oldid=74863
[chrisaldrich] and oedmarap joined the channel
notice how @balajis is using a fiat name that he bought from a fungible marketplace to represent his identity instead of whatever cryptocurrency fluff he's raving about today? http://balajis.com is a name. A domain name. It's programmable and paid for. https://twitter.com/balajis/status/1379404677159256065 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EyT05nlWEBIrucN.png
neshpion, PauloPinto, schmudde, [tw2113_Slack_], strugee, btrem, KartikPrabhu, avalos_, [Rose] and [tantek] joined the channel
site-deaths << soon/announced: 2021-05-04 Yahoo Answers: https://twitter.com/verge/status/1379153188239110144
ok, I added "soon/announced: 2021-05-04 Yahoo Answers: https://twitter.com/verge/status/1379153188239110144" to the "See Also" section of /site-deaths https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=75205&oldid=75189
I really feel like there should be a bingo card for Yahoo services and shutdowns
[snarfed] joined the channel
whither killedbyyahoo.com
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
uh, not only is that site dead (unresponsive), but it's not in Internet Archive, and every mention of that domain in Google Search (all three of them) are *themselves* not in Internet Archive either! 😳
that is one professional scrubbing job 😬
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
I'm waiting for someone to do a statistical study of online social services to come up with a mean-time-to-site-death...
answers lasted about a decade longer than I expected it to, honestly
kensp joined the channel
are there meta-questions being posted yet?
Why is Yahoo Answers being shutdown now in particular?
How did Yahoo Answers last so long?
How many Yahoo Answers will die on May 4th?
May the 4th not be with your Yahoo Answers
What is question?
question is a post type for soliciting answer replies, which are then typically up/down voted by others and then displayed underneath the question post ordered by highest positive vote count rather than time ordered https://indieweb.org/question
Dawns on me that Quora has locked down their version such that their site-death would be similarly fatal to the space in terms of archival value.
workfrosty joined the channel
Haha. Why only Yahoo? Add to that Google's shutdown of data-vocab, announced here a few months ago.
schmudde joined the channel
oh sorry tantek, i made up killedbyyahoo.com, inspired by killedbygoogle.com and killedbymozilla.com
well apparently two other folks thought it enough to put it on a webpage, only to have it disappear (except in Googe's Index)
looking at killedbygoogle.com, they're killing angular? are they all switching to react or what?
dghelm[m] joined the channel
i just want them to bring back yahoo groups...
like wtf those were awesome why would you ever kill them
yahoo is absolutely useless
@LaurenGoode @pierce I delete all of my old acitivity on social media services regularly. So there is nothing to remember. All of my Facebook activity has been deleted (I don’t post there anymore), and I use Tweet Deleter to automatically delete old tweets on schedule.
strugee joined the channel
lol "delete" from twitter/facebook
shoesNsocks, sumner, opal and [fluffy] joined the channel