[tantek]garden is a place for deliberate growing of plants, decorative or for eating, that are sometimes the primary subject of IndieWeb posts, and is an area of exploration for more structured posts around planting, plant growth, flowering, bearing fruit etc. See example: https://waterpigs.co.uk/notes/?tagged=garden
[tantek]not sure event markup would make sense for an "observed event" (instead of a planned event) such as a flowering or bearing of fruit. those feel more like status updates about the plant(s)
[tantek]haha yes barnabywalters. though I can see people holding planting parties! bring your seeds and we'll teach you how to plant them in small containers to get them going, provide suitable soil etc.
jeremycherfasI would say that my IG posts (mostly PESOS to my site) are 1/3 food, 1/3 garden and plants and 1/3 other. But none is tagged much as such.
jeremycherfasHaving played around with indie forms of journaling, I went back to Day One for ease of use, encouraged by export abilities. I should see whether I could PESOS to my site.
barnabywaltersthat’s really a throwback. those were posted to my site via email, when that was the easiest way to post photos to my site from iOS devices
[tantek]e.g. "A _Personal Digital Habitat_ is a federated multi-device information environment within which a person routinely dwells. It is associated with a personal identity and encompasses all the digital artifacts (information, data, applications, etc.) that the person owns or routinely accesses."
@rococopacetic@quinncy Bill Scott, a Philadelphia artist, came to speak to my class in college. He said something along the lines of "if you paint to please yourself, many others will also be pleased, but if you paint to please many, no one will." Works for lots of things. (twitter.com/_/status/1387526141938966528)
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "cook what you want" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "cook what you want is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Loqieat what you cook is a metaphor for making use of what you create on and for the IndieWeb, especially any code you write, and one of several IndieWeb community principles https://indieweb.org/eat_what_you_cook