GWGaaronpk: I was looking at something you wrote. When you switched over to using q=source instead of q=last in Quill, you are checking for a published date parameter. I never implemented that
LoqiNuzzel is a discovery-based service that surfaces articles and news based upon how many of your contacts on silos like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn link to or interact with sources on those services
[tantek]aaronpk, snarfed, I still feel the user expectation of readers due to social media is following *people* not feeds and that's enough conceptual friction for folks to get stuck and not adopt
@evacideI would like to announce that I'm moving off of Facebook to Faebook, a social media site run by beautiful and unworldly creatures whose ways are beyond our ken and who will probably turn you into a small animal for no reason. (
astralbijection[Several years ago, whenever I had an idea for making something, I drew it out on a piece of paper. There were hundreds of these pages and now I want to scan them, organize them, and put it on my website. Anyone know of good software for sifting through and separating/grouping possibly hundreds of pages in PDFs?
barnabywaltersif they contain only scanned images, no OCRed text, then I’d say go with images unless their paginated structure is particularly important
barnabywaltersastralbijection[: if you’re using mac os, there’s an automator workflow action called “Render PDFs to images” which might be useful for you
astralbijection[<barnabywalters "astralbijection: if you’re using"> I'm on arch, so unfortunately can't use that. But there's probably a cli tool out there
barnabywaltersastralbijection[: (at the risk of angering Loqi) what printer/scanner are you using? some of them can only scan to PDF when using the hardware interface, but can scan to image files when plugged into a computer
[chrisaldrich]I was originally going to post it in #indieweb-chat as an excellent blogpost, but the Facebook/Faebook conversation earlier made me think that Facebook (and other social silos) is about power-over while the IndieWeb frames things as about power-with or power-to: