[snarfed]having said all that, i have no idea what will actually happen to these domains. they may stay registered and serving and never break. i just know i can’t `requests.get()` them in Python 😠
petermolnarhowever... isn't this another + towards .onions v2 vs v3 doesn't mean a problem? Apparently domains can now break because of ruleset changes.
[snarfed]also i’d lean the other way and say breaking existing domains that are registered and in use would _also_ be a problem, not that it’s ok and therefore .onion v3 breakage is also ok
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petermolnarOK? no, but accepted yes: I'm still saying that whilve onion v2 -> v3 breaks v2, there are enough "real" domain breakages that if one can be accepted, the other should be as well.
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[snarfed]maybe so, but they’re out there now, they’re functioning parts of the internet. it’s on us as (responsible) developers to make a reasonable effort to support them
[snarfed]in this case, when registrars and TLDs are handing out these domains, and all major browsers support them, it seems like a straightforward answer for me/us to support them too
sknebelif it's idna2008 (accepted in 2010) blocking those, they starting giving out those domains 6 years after the standards change to not allow them? *sigh*