IWSlackGateway2, [Emma_Humphries], [tantek], wolftune, XgF, [tantek]1, nertzy, BrittSSLLC, samwilson, opal, [tw2113_Slack_], tomlarkworthy, gzj, [Ana_Rodrigues], [grantcodes] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
LoqiNuzzel is a discovery-based service that surfaces articles and news based upon how many of your contacts on silos like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn link to or interact with sources on those services https://indieweb.org/Nuzzel
[Murray], samwilson, kensp, alex11, wolftune, [grantcodes] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
@AliAbdaalCreating my personal website was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. It ultimately led to my YouTube channel and making 7-figures online. So, if you want to set up a personal website here’s a step-by-step guide (with little or no coding). 👇 (twitter.com/_/status/1390728257931288577)
peterrother, themaxdavitt, stacktrust_, ludovicchabant, jbove, [sebsel], [chrisaldrich], gxt, [tantek], barnabywalters, opal, alex11, BrittSSLLC, justBull, jamietanna, [KevinMarks], neshpion, maxwelljoslyn, Tomlark, sparseMatrix and [girrodocus] joined the channel
[girrodocus]This is something that bothers me, and that I’m wondering how to negotiate in working towards developing my own site. https://twitter.com/aliabdaal/status/1390728266110152705?s=21 How personal can a personal website be if it’s serving a dual role as your professional “front” to the world? Particularly if you are a member of a stigmatised community which is a primary focus of your (perhaps closeted) personal activity (personal as in “
@AliAbdaal👔 It can help you with your professional life. A personal website is a 21st-century version of a CV. Your potential employers will google your name and you can ‘control’ that search result by having your own website. (twitter.com/_/status/1390728266110152705)
[girrodocus]See also: https://www.ribbonfarm.com/2020/01/23/being-your-selves-identity-rd-on-alt-twitter/ “The default setting on social media platforms — a consistent, persistent, unified profile — enables and exacerbates this conflict. The singular profile incentivizes you to develop a coherent “brand”. “ … “... you post only what your audience wants to hear. You become a caricature of yourself as you spiral deeper and deeper into perform
[aciccarello][girrodocus] There's something to that. I like that having a personal site allows me flexibility in how to present myself. I keep my homepage pretty professional but am adding personal content to other pages. You could have content filtered by type (professional, personal, ect). I'm not trying to develop an audience so it's less of a concern to me.
[Murray][girrodocus] that discussion has come up a few times here (not sure if there's a Wiki page that captured any of it though). Basically, different people have different strategies, because different people have different use cases. Personally, I have my "main" website, which is personal stuff subdivided into levels of "personal", i.e. I have articles which are mainly intended for hobbyist stuff and a "journal" for stuff I write about my actual life;
[Murray]I also have (well, had, I started on a redesign that never got finished) a more "professional" site, kinda like a portfolio. Some of the content was shared across the two, so the "professional" site became a bit of a subset. I also have distinct names (not yet sites, maybe some day) for specific hobbies, e.g. on Twitter or Flickr. I prefer the segregation and context switching, but I know plenty of people that prefer the simplicity of one single
[Murray]But at the core it's a question of what is your site (or sites) purpose? Is it for professional growth, showing off skills, gaining reputation in a specific industry? Is it for sharing stuff with friends? Or recording things you're interested in? I think working out the answer to that helped me a lot
timculverhouse and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
LoqiMulti-site Indieweb is a hybrid approach to Indieweb in which a wide range of people have two (or more) indieweb enabled platforms for a multitude of reasons https://indieweb.org/multi-site_indieweb
[girrodocus]Thanks for the replies everyone - this has helped me get unstuck and opened my mind. Murray - great point about figuring out the intent and working from there. And Chris that link looks really illustrative and useful. Will explore the sites linked from there. Acicarello yes I think you’re right about multiple domains… that could be a good way forward.
[girrodocus]Wondering if ultimately I might want three spaces. One to portfolio my (currently very basic) dev skills, one for the stuff I might not want in front of me before a job interview (depending on employer), and one for everything else (this being my ‘home’). Would be a good chance to compare/contrast different tech too.
LoqiA portfolio on the Indieweb is a professional web page (or collection thereof) targeted at paying customers/clients that often shows examples of work and projects https://indieweb.org/portfolio
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "use cases" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "use cases is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiBecause there is as broad an array of types of websites as there are people, a motivating personal factor for joining the IndieWeb may entail a particular use case one has in mind for what they want to do online or how they'd like to interact with others https://indieweb.org/use_case