#[jacky]Granted, that's a plumbing-esque perspective but it does interest me because OPML is meant for like "outlining" (TIL) and having it being used like that is equivalent to how one's relationship to a person's content can evolve over time
#[jacky]Like from just following their notes to then following their replies by adjusting what kind of stuff you'd like to see from them
#Loqijacky has 20 karma in this channel over the last year (112 in all channels)
#[jacky]like tbh, this could really go from that to _anything_, lol
gzj and [fluffy] joined the channel
#[fluffy]I definitely prefer following feeds rather than people. Meta/aggregate have too much chatter in them, especially with indieweb response pages thrown into the mix.
[tantek] joined the channel
#[tantek]IMO the answer to "too much" is muting granularity (IG does this), not "revert to lower level UI"
#[tantek]and yes I'm saying "following feeds" is lower level UI
maxwelljoslyn, gzj and wolftune joined the channel
#maxwelljoslyndiscussion at HWC Americas tonight led to a new popup proposal from me KartikPrabhu and lahacker, regarding "sensitive data on your own website"
#doosbooxI use a 3B to run apache, a gemini server, act as NAS, and run thelounge.chat
#doosbooxit can easily do a lot more. I don’t like the idea of buying a computer for a single task either
#doosbooxnot really sure how I ended up with so many pis
gzj joined the channel
#jeremycherfasI have one (my first) for syncthing, equivalent to your NAS, I guess, on a much smaller scale. But while it is doing that it can't also be my camera trap.
gzj joined the channel
#doosbooxMine is a NAS in the sense that I mount my home directory from it on my laptop with sshfs 😆