#indieweb 2021-05-20
2021-05-20 UTC
JohnBeales and cambridgeport90 joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] I thought it all went to the IRC server/reader? 😉

cambridgeport90 Think it depends.
[chrisaldrich] I have been reading a lot of import/export articles lately and it's pretty rare that any of them are one button "simple" solutions. Almost all of them are scary looking and typically talk about how the person custom modified someone else's code, so the first thing I usually look for is what that overhead looks like.

sparseMatrix joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] This website dedicated to /play and games popped up on my radar. Maybe something fun for GWG? https://whatsericplaying.com/

gRegorLove, gRegorLove_, KartikPrabhu, jigawatt, reed__ and vikanezrimaya joined the channel
BinyaminGreen[m] Do any of you keep a roadmap for your website, or a feature backlog?
BinyaminGreen[m] I have a roadmap page on my site, in the spirit of working in public. It's really messy though. I wish it had a better structure. https://binyam.in/roadmap
BinyaminGreen[m] jacky: I like the look of that timeline! Do you have any system for prioritizing stuff?
jacky it's done locally in this app https://planner-todo.web.app/

[schmarty] joined the channel
BinyaminGreen[m] Gotcha. It's good to keep some things private. Do you give yourself deadlines, or work in sprints, etc.?
Nuve and samwilson joined the channel
[girrodocus], sknebel[m] and cbradford[m] joined the channel
KartikPrabhu what is itch?

jacky, loicm, [snarfed], samwilson, shakeel, robla, rknLA_ and daniel-k joined the channel; marcusr left the channel
rMdes What's going to happen about the indeiweb irc channels on freenode, regarding this : https://gist.github.com/joepie91/df80d8d36cd9d1bde46ba018af497409/

vikanezrimaya, gxt and [chee] joined the channel
nertzy, GWG, barnabywalters and jeremych_ joined the channel; XgF left the channel
JohnBeales, [girrodocus], anotheryou, opal, gxt, stef, reed__, sumner and [tantek] joined the channel
[tantek] re: "roadmap for your website, or a feature backlog", BinyaminGreen[m], I've been tracking mine on my project page for the majority component of my website: https://indieweb.org/Falcon#Working_On

[tw2113_Slack_], jeremych_, wolftune, jacob4, batkin, gRegorLove, batkin73, kolaente_ and network_operatio joined the channel
network_operatio Remember Bitcoin in 2008??? Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, To claim your piece of pi goto https://minepi.com and use "ilkde" as your invitation code. Get your piece of the pi now !
barnabywalters spam

barnabywalters do we have something like a !spam command?

gRegorLove !kick network_operatio

barnabywalters gRegorLove++ good to know

kolaente_ and eris joined the channel
gRegorLove couldn't remember, found it on /Loqi

gRegorLove gives Loqi some spam

eris Remember Bitcoin in 2008??? Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, To claim your piece of pi goto https://minepi.com and use "ilkde" as your invitation code. Get your piece of the pi now
barnabywalters !kick eris

kolaente_ joined the channel
vilhalmer is that authed by /chat-names?

barnabywalters yep

kolaente_, [KevinMarks], [schmarty], sysadmin and [snarfed] joined the channel
barnabywalters what is pillowfort?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "pillowfort" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "pillowfort is ____", a sentence describing the term)

barnabywalters pillowfort is https://www.pillowfort.social/

asteria and [tantek] joined the channel
gRegorLove Interesting, is it indieweb friendly, barnabywalters? Any experience with it?

barnabywalters no idea, just saw it mentioned on twitter

barnabywalters and wondered if it was something which had popped up and already been documented in my absence

[aciccarello] joined the channel
[aciccarello] Seems kinda tumblr-like
[aciccarello] Interesting
[aciccarello] "Joining Pillowfort is easy! For a one-time $5 registration fee you will gain access to our open beta.
[aciccarello] Pillowfort is committed to keeping our user-experience a priority and not being beholden to outside interests. That is why we chose to be a primarily user-funded platform without any financial assistance from investors or venture capital funding."
[aciccarello] This one-time fee helps us pay our expenses such as server costs and compensating our development & support team while we develop our long-term business plan. Registration will be free once we exit open beta.
barnabywalters charging early adopters for registration which will (allegedly) be free in the future is an interesting inversion of the usual early adopter discount

[girrodocus] joined the channel
[girrodocus] Someone wrote about pillowfort here: https://kiriska.com/blog/2021/social-media-isnt-going-to-save-you-from-social-media/
seekr joined the channel
barnabywalters oh indieweb gets a mention there too

barnabywalters not a very flattering one, but honest and realistic

XgF joined the channel
barnabywalters [girrodocus]: that’s a well-written article, do we link to that article on the wiki already or did you find it elsewhere?

pengolod joined the channel
[Rose] joined the channel
[chee] joined the channel
[chee] this event seems relevant to my question yesterday:) https://events.indieweb.org/2021/06/june-indieweb-popup-event-very-sensitive-data-on-your-personal-website-DNjCEi05jHfH

barnabywalters from dev -> “io domain does not host any form of sexual content.” huh, I did not know that

barnabywalters definitely worth documenting

[chee] > It’s hard to imagine teenagers making the effort to find websites and blogs through a browser when mobile apps are so much easier to install. Many people simply don’t use computers or laptops outside school or work, and many people basically never interact with the Internet at large through their phone’s browser — their _entire_ Internet experience is through social media apps. Indie sites can’t complete with that. And what good is hostin

barnabywalters yeah, and indieweb has included bridges to silos from the very beginning

barnabywalters although I think there’s a trend towards it being harder to POSSE content to other closed networks

barnabywalters huh, I had assumed that I could use tiktok as an example, but it turns out they do have an API! anyone here POSSE their indieweb content to tiktok? :P

barnabywalters what is tiktok

Loqi TikTok is a video sharing app similar to Vine, where users create and share short videos, often set to music https://indieweb.org/TikTok

pengolod joined the channel
barnabywalters unfortunately, that person was intimidated by our getting started page and apparently didn’t get far enough to read about POSSE

barnabywalters I excerpted the relevant quote at https://indieweb.org/criticism, feel free to add analysis there

barnabywalters yes yes I know, we discussed it already

barnabywalters as I said, I agree with it in principle

barnabywalters feel free to add them

[girrodocus] @barnabywalters I’m not sure where I found the link to that article but I suspect it was one of the indieweb IRC channels a week or so ago.
barnabywalters I just dumped it there for reference, as the post was long and I wanted to single out the indieweb-specific part

barnabywalters other than that I have no strong opinions about what to do with it, so feel free to move it wherever is most suitable

stef, jeremy, leo60228 and jeremycherfas joined the channel
barnabywalters [tantek] aaronpk etc (re discussion in -meta): I stubbed this user-focused section on /personal-domain about choosing a domain, linked to /TLD. interested in feedback and improvements! https://indieweb.org/personal-domain#Choosing_a_personal_domain

sparseMatrix and [snarfed] joined the channel