#indieweb 2021-06-01

2021-06-01 UTC
[snarfed], samwilson, neceve, Guest93, whitingdev, hendursa1, tomlarkworthy, [capjamesg], barnaby, ben_thatmustbeme, twinsignal, distopico, hendursaga, bneil, reed and [jacky] joined the channel
re: social readers (Darius seems to call them universal readers)
good to see that there are some fediverse people working on content other than notes/“toots”
oh yeah there's lots
Peertube for video, pixelfed for photos, etc
i'm not a big fan of the "one project one account" per post type model tho
cool, it’s a pity replies have to explicitly webmention the thread URL to be included though. it’d be great to have a tool which makes browsing distributed reply threads easy
looks like IF is pretty close to that
shoesNsocks1 joined the channel
aaronpk: agreed!
IIRC that's the whole C2S part of AP that wasn't really worked on by the community
i don't know if it's that necessarily
i think it's more that the developers treat AP as plumbing for a particular project rather than think about the ecosystem as a whole. and it does do a good job of being plumbing
reed, [Murray], [snarfed], sm2n, Moosadee, Loqi and stevestreza joined the channel
Who is Loqi?
Loqi is a friendly and useful bot/digital therapist present in the IndieWeb discussion channels https://indieweb.org/User:Loqi.me
deeden and rektide joined the channel
Why did I not see you in the use list, Loqi :o
checks other channels
there was a brief netsplit
now realises he hid joins yesterday
So I did not see Loqi join between me missing the name in the user list and me asking "Who is Loqi". Woops
clawfire, neceve, whitingdev, zerok, barnaby, [chrisaldrich], [schmarty], [fluffy], bneil, jjuran and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
barnaby and hendursaga joined the channel
Earlier today I saw a Tweet highly recommending people to use Substack as their newsletter platform. Its broader context was don't build a site or do a lot of other manual work and research to get something set up, but try it out for a few weeks to see if it would be useful as a medium for you before you set up your own platform.
What is silo until it hurts?
It looks like we don't have a page for "silo until it hurts" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "silo until it hurts is ____", a sentence describing the term)
neceve joined the channel