#indieweb 2021-06-05

2021-06-05 UTC
Moosadee, IWSlackGateway1, Seirdy, IWSlackGateway, anonymous, gRegor, KartikPrabhu, hendursa1 and neceve joined the channel
I self-host thelounge.chat and find that infinitely better than slack
iOS doesn’t support notifications from progressive web apps, but I keep a shortcut to it on my home screen anyway.
KartikPrabhu, barnaby, just-me, gRegor, neceve, [kimberlyhirsh], hendursaga, jeremycherfas, timdream, [fluffy], jamietanna, [KevinMarks], wagle and [jacky] joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Bridgy stats update" https://snarfed.org/2021-06-05_bridgy-stats-update-6
gRegor and barnaby joined the channel