2021-06-08 UTC
[jacky], samwilson, hendursaga, [chrisaldrich], capjamesg and neceve joined the channel
# 06:18 doosboox I'm doing that challenge. I'm not gonna post on silo social media for a hundred years, or never in case I die first.
# 06:26 samwilson I'm trying that sort of thing too. So far, it's just me talking to myself :-P
# 06:28 doosboox just now logged in to facebook for the last time and initiated the deletion of his account
# 06:29 doosboox Was supposed to do that 6 days ago, but better late than never
# 06:29 doosboox I mean, arguably I should never have got an account in the first place but whatever
# 06:31 samwilson I had an account that I deleted in 2006. I wonder what would happen if I tried to log in again now.
# 06:44 doosboox samwilson: if you're in the EU it should treat you as a person who's never had an account
# 06:51 [chrisaldrich] samwilson++ for your tag/taxonomy work. Is that for your site in particular or does it also work for MediaWiki sites in general?
# 06:51 Loqi samwilson has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
# 06:52 samwilson [chrisaldrich]: no, I'm afriad I've switched away from MediaWiki for my own blog now! :) It got too annoying with 23k photos.
# 06:54 samwilson yeah :) I dare say I'll switch again before the year's out! hehe
# 06:55 [chrisaldrich] I haven't been seeing MediaWiki being mentioned as often as it should in the digital garden space lately. Did you ever look into a notification plugin with Webmention?
# 06:57 samwilson I did, and I started writing such a thing. Never got it finished though. I have a couple of other MediaWiki sites that would use it, so I might still get to it.
hendursa1, justBull, [Murray], [KevinMarks], IWSlackGateway, hendursaga, alex_, inky, calebjasik, nekr0z, batkin[m], reed, Abhas[m], LaBcasse[m], [tw2113_Slack_], [chrisaldrich], capjamesg, gRegor, chenghiz_, jeremycherfas, apophys_, qa6, aaronpk, selectric, neceve, alex11, [jacky], milkii, [tantek], [schmarty], sgreger, [aciccarello] and anarchivist joined the channel
michael joined the channel
# 22:26 aaronpk you have to add people to the list before they can unlock your account
samwilson joined the channel
[jgmac1106] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
# 23:57 [jgmac1106] @samwilson I rutned dokuwiki into a blogging wiki with an hfeed and would send and accept webmentions