[tantek]I feel like some amount of deleting/purging of personal information from the various mobile devices we carry (whether communicators or laptops) is something worth exploring in the broader context of indieweb content management
Zegnathttps://youtu.be/UG32FG6fXSw?t=83 is what I am thinking of. You would select three friends, these will then be sent codes by Facebook, and the three codes together would let you reset your account password.
petermolnar!tell [tantek] re repair: the idea that the hard drive is not removable in apple products makes disgusted. Removable storage is a *must* for repairability even if it's only for the sake of privacy. Some phones come with sd card slot, and one can set it to be default for things like photos, which is better, than nothing, but still horrible; but computers with soldered on SSD should burn in hell.
petermolnarre Instagram: "But as more people joined and more was shared, it became impossible for most people to see everything, let alone all the posts they cared about." BULLSH*T.
petermolnarfollow less, only the ones you care about, it's that simple.
hendursaga, neceve, calebjasik, MoosieRachel, nekr0z, reed, batkin[m], Abhas[m], LaBcasse[m], barnaby, tomlarkworthy, samwilson, inky, hendursa1, posdsoidosap and gRegor joined the channel
doosbooxpetermolnar: 100% this. I’ve subscribed to numerous feeds only to unsubscribe after a couple of months when I’ve noticed that they’re so low on my priority list that I never get to them
doosbooxI know my dad hoards newspapers because he plans to read them ”soon”, though. A lot of people can’t unsub once they’ve subbed because they feel obligates to read everything
petermolnarthat is an interesting psychological problem; I wonder what differentiates people who can "mark all read" with one click and the ones who can't.
[Murray]FOMO? As someone who always reads everything, that definitely plays a role 😄 On the other hand, I only follow people extremely rarely (on any platform), which makes this pretty manageable. And if I do follow someone, it's because I *want* to read everything they post, so...
doosbooxMy feedly flow is 90% Slashdot, and I only read two-three of those articles a day, if even that. If I for some reason haven’t checked my flow in a while I usually start off by marking the Slashdot feed as read to be able to see the other stuff
Loqifriendly reminder capjamesg, [tantek], we try to keep jargon (embed) out of this channel to make it more inviting to newcomers, can you move this to #indieweb-dev?
ZegnatI never personally used usenet, but I read about it in this pretty good blog post that describes things that usenet readers had but that social media seems to lack / do different: https://jfm.carcosa.net/blog/computing/usenet/
ZegnatRe: previous discussion on readers, overload, fomo, and mark all as read. I have been wanting to find a reader (or build one) that supports old school pick-and-read from Usenet. So you would read in two phases, first just scanning titles and selecting what you actually want to read, and then read what was selected.
MoosieRachel, [manton], inky, twinsignal and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich]I like this ^ idea Zegnat and wish I had something that did it in a more integrative way. Some feed readers will allow this by starring a handful of things in a broader view and then allowing you to see those starred things to read.
LoqiYear in Review is a feature on some silos (like Facebook) as well as being a special kind of article on some IndieWeb sites that summarizes important aspects of the past year https://indieweb.org/year_in_review