#indieweb 2021-07-01

2021-07-01 UTC
Seirdy joined the channel
re analytics im using cloudflares and have had a similiar experience as aciccarello. Cloudflare doesn't break down individual page views (at least for the free version). So ive also got clicky.com going which can give those insights.
Kaja_, n8chz, SamSchmitt[m], alex_, justache, chenghiz_, alex11, sebbu, n8chz1, capjamesg, lanodan, Seirdy, hendursaga, jamietanna, samwilson, joshproehl, seekr and [tantek] joined the channel
aaronpk, would you consider making those old photos “signed-in” viewable? E.g. visible to anyone who has signed in with IndieAuth
on another note, since that was somewhat related to persistence / owning your content or links...
longevity << thread about link rot & squat: https://twitter.com/zittrain/status/1395750908349325315
With the help of the ace @nytimes digital team, we compiled a list of ~2.2 million externally-facing hyperlinks that had been used in http://nytimes.com articles since its launch in 1996. The goal was to discern how many of them had fallen victim to linkrot or content drift. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E16zyAkWYAEKZc9.png
yes i would consider it
right now i don't have a way to do that though
Do we have even have a good name for that kind of broad audience?
It’s not an allowlist because there is no list
I feel like some folks here already show more on their homepage or profile/about or more posts to folks that are signed in
Eg maybe Zegnat? Like his h-card shows more info if you’re signed in? Or maybe I’m imagining that
[snarfed] joined the channel
there’s some silo precedent for this, allowing “any logged in user”
[tantek]: Zegnat wanted to do that for a ticket auth test
Snarfed, yeah that sounds familiar
I suppose we have:
What is a login wall
login wall (AKA authwall or auth wall) is a UI antipattern used by some silos like Medium to prompt returning users with a login UI, sometimes after some number of viewed pages, that blocks viewing or using the site until the user has logged in https://indieweb.org/login_wall
Does that sound like the same thing? Or should we have something distinct for an “IndieAuth wall”?
Though I’d prefer to frame it positively, focusing on what it enables, rather than as a limitation / barrier / who is blocked
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
seems like the same thing
gRegor, [schmarty] and [jacky] joined the channel
looks like no one mentioned the Twitter Close Friends function yet
n8chz1 joined the channel
was looking for the link again lol
also randomly learned that most libraries give you gifted access to the NYT!
also some interesting UX on how to help compose more 'friendly' replies https://twitter.com/a_dsgnr/status/1410690519710060544
Here’s how it’d work: • Authors choose the phrases they prefer not to see • These phrases are highlighted as ppl write replies; ppl can learn why, or ignore the guidance • Authors can enable automatic actions, like moving violating replies to the bottom of the convo https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E5PHjSmVEAEEQOI.jpg
I think the second tweet about having people say "this is what I don't want to see in my replies" and then the reader understanding that to then surface these hints is a interesting thing
I don't know how to wrangle that into the IndieWeb world but we kind of tell people our 'preferences' already by the information we markup on our sites
Moosadee joined the channel
that's a whole lot of defensive labor, feels like the wrong place to put the work
even the cognitive load/labor of having to come up with "what I don't want to see in my replies" makes me go ugh
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
that could be primed from one's past content tbh
seeded from past reported content maybe
yup! and like if you have a blocklist already, it could look at engagement it had with you in the past that's publicly available (that's a big IF tbh) or engagement you have stored still (I wonder if the Twitter export would show this) and go from there
I mean I'm likely going to have to write up a bunch of filters for stuff like this for my years of backqueued webmentions via Bridgy backfeed from Twitter anyway
though that's more of a dev chat
samwilson, [Murray], [aciccarello] and gRegor joined the channel