#indieweb 2021-07-03

2021-07-03 UTC
poftto, jeremycherfas, Seirdy, n8chz and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel; poftto left the channel
Sorry, was away longer than I expected... Thanks [Murray], I'm always interested in hearing what people think that idea truly entails since there are comparatively few examples out there.
My reading of that design site was that it was a well-curated and well laid out /collection of /bookmarks. It was missing some of the potential space for aggregation of notes and ideas on the topic I would expect for a digital garden to have (especially since all the links were to outside sources and none to inside sources.)
I'll agree that the illustrations on the feed reading article were the singularly best part...
n8chz1, samwilson, hendursa1, capjamesg, Seirdy and [jgmac1106] joined the channel; KartikPrabhu left the channel
morning all
morning all
capjamesg, jeremycherfas, [manton], KartikPrabhu, hendursaga, [jgmac1106], Moosadee, n8chz, [schmarty], jamietanna, n8chz1, chenghiz_, neceve, Seirdy and [tantek] joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "How to export your complete Foursquare checkin history" https://aaronparecki.com/2021/07/03/5/export-foursquare-checkin-history
Seirdy, Moosadee, alex11, [schmarty] and [jacky] joined the channel