#indieweb 2021-07-06

2021-07-06 UTC
n8chz1, [KevinMarks], Moosadee, [snarfed], [tantek], jeremycherfas, [fluffy], Ruxton, [pfefferle], neceve, zerok, hendursa1, reed, jamietanna, [Ana_Rodrigues], capjamesg, jamietanna1, [Murray] and [manton] joined the channel
re analytics and mental health (over a week late in this chat) - I don’t track analytics exactly for that reason and I also don’t have “likes” on my blog because of it. I wrote about it on my blog in a bit more detail https://ohhelloana.blog/overthinking-likes/ - But it is really a personal thing and I know it is something I personally need to work on
omg actually that post is one year old today! what a coincidence!
:: insert coincidence?! I think not! meme ::
joke aside it's strange how one tends to revisit thoughs, because in my life, it seems to have a cycle
Haha :)
No thought is original : )
(i remember someone saying this in a podcast and it stuck with me)
Yep. Quite a few of my old ideas come back to me. But a lot of them are not very useful :)
I wanted to say revisit one's own thoughts
[aciccarello] joined the channel
[Ana_Rodrigues] Nice post. A lot of that resonates with me. I don't want to obsess over how many interactions posts get but it's really easy to fall into that trap when it's easy to dive into detailed analytics.
jamietanna1, capjamesg, j0hnny and cambridgeport90 joined the channel
Afternoon all. not sure what time it is for all of you.
Sorry, I don't see all of you. on https://indieweb.org/irc-people
Loqi, I wasn't talking to you; was speaking to the room at large. LOL
alex_ joined the channel
goes file another Loqi bug
alex11 joined the channel
[jacky] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
what time is it for jacky
In jacky's timezone, America/Los_Angeles, it is currently 12:36pm on July 6
j0hnny, [Murray], KartikPrabhu, n8chz, jamietanna, Moosadee, hendursa1, jeremycherfas, [schmarty], nekr0z, rektide and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel