#indieweb 2021-07-07

2021-07-07 UTC
alex11, [fluffy], moose3338, [jacky], BigShip, Moosadee, capjamesg, n8chz, neceve, jamietanna, [Rose], GoldenEye, hendursa1, jamietanna1, [KevinMarks], KartikPrabhu, seekr, lanodan, [Ana_Rodrigues], [tw2113_Slack_] and rockorager joined the channel
I've been working on my micropub serverless server, and after lots of debugging as to why sometimes it works and sometimes it wasn't, I found out it was because I was running into the AWS Lambda POST size limit (6 mb)
Woops, meant to post in dev
[snarfed], Seirdy, jamietanna, angelo, sknebel, [KevinMarks], Moosadee and [fluffy] joined the channel