#indieweb 2021-08-19

2021-08-19 UTC
gRegor, neshpion, shoesNsocks and jacky joined the channel
that's too real
gerben joined the channel
Probably for aaronpk : since indielogin.com is meant to eventually take over for indieauth.com, is there plans to move the token server as well?
Yes but it's complicated
aaronpk: I'd like to hear about it
I'm always interested in complicated
I'm just trying to gauge the benefits/negatives of rolling my own tokens
jacky, hendursaga, Seirdy, astrojuanlu[m], hoenir, Zegnat[d], corenominal[d], aaronpk[d], lahacker[d], wackycity[d], indieweb-irc-bri, hendursa1, cadeyrn[d], neocow, Murray[d], rommudoh[m], hala-bala[m], DavidWeekes[m], nekr0z, astralbijection[, lasr[m], LaBcasse[m], reed, Abhas[m], benatkin, vikanezrimaya, rj3000[m], Lohn, cambridgeport90[, P[m]1, SamWilson[m], diegov, benchi[m], jfkimmes[m], extratone[m], ballpointcarrot[, Phil[m], angelo, tetov-irc, Guest5155, gRegor, kimberlyhirsh[d], shoesNsocks, n8chz, sennomo, cev and nolith joined the channel
what is clubhouse
Clubhouse is a social network for momentary audio only IRC-style rooms/channels https://indieweb.org/Clubhouse
Clubhouse << Criticism: use Clubhouse or know someone that does? Congrats your phone number is on the Dark Web: https://twitter.com/mruef/status/1418693478574346242
Full phone number database of #Clubhouse is up for sale on the #Darknet. It contains 3.8 billion phone numbers. These are not just members but also people in contact lists that were synced. Chances are high that you are listed even if you haven't had a Clubhouse login. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E7A1k3tXoAUKXXS.jpg
ok, I added "Criticism: use Clubhouse or know someone that does? Congrats your phone number is on the Dark Web: https://twitter.com/mruef/status/1418693478574346242" to the "See Also" section of /Clubhouse https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=76660&oldid=75337
[tantek]: I brought up the /photo page at HWC last night
any good suggestions?
I questioned if your note with photo is a really long note, should it be classified as a photo post or not. But I suppose that is a personal choice
No one but myself puts an optional specific photo title in addition to a caption that I could find
I also forgot to ask about how you might link to a photo post...I have my This Week menu in the sidebar
Maybe I need a separate Photo This Week
rockorager and hendursaga joined the channel
GWG, which note/photo post do you mean?
[tantek]: Most of them, you write very long notes in your photo posts
I always thought if it's a photo post, the text would be minimal
GWG, I used to do that on some of my Flickr photo posts too, long captions, before I started publishing photo posts to my own site
maybe this is also a criticism of the need to "classify" in the first place
why does it matter (what's the impact on UX) if a photo has a long note or a long note has a photo?
I used to have a photo grid in my sidebar but I don't know when/why it broke
Well, in an archive view, many people display photos in a grid, where you can't see the long note
So, it's a question of how important the text is
I'm classifying whether you lose context without the note
I should look at photo grid in sidebar as an option
I think it's ok if such summary views like grids only tell part of the story of posts
it could be interesting to figure out a way to provide an affordance on photo thumbnails when it appears there's a "longer story" in the caption/text accompanying a photo
Affordance? Not familiar with the term
Gives me some ideas to explore
that way when viewing a grid, it could be more obvious when particular photos have more of a backstory or not
[tantek]: I think aaronpk has text that appears when you hover on a photo.
GWG, imagine a small text icon overlaid on top of a photo thumbnail if that photo post happened to have "a lot" of text ("a lot" is probably per-person specific, you'd want to tune it so some but not all, maybe not even most photos had the icon, otherwise it looks like noise)
I'll have to play with that.
GWG, have you seen the multiphoto affordance in IG grids?
that's another example
[tantek]: No, not on there much
let me see if we captured an example somewhere
[schmarty] joined the channel
My photos page has a little indicator that there are multiple photos in a post: https://martymcgui.re/photos/
(Also lol apparently my photos page has my list of upcoming events?? What in the template leaking world...)
jjuran joined the channel
Ahahaha oh I should have clicked through. That is photo post of a screenshot of my homepage. 🙈
glguy left the channel
[schmarty] maybe a little indicator for screenshots would help?
GWG, fortunately the IG example on /photo_grid actually has a couple of icons/affordances! See the analysis I added at the bottom of this section: https://indieweb.org/photo_grid#Instagram
Reminds me of a year in college where I refused to put a password on my desktop but also didn't like my roommates using it, so I made the background a screenshot of the desktop before hiding all the icons and start menu. 😂
this is more #indieweb-dev but I want a way for my site to detect whether something is a screenshot or a photo in order to categorize them better. i don't like screenshots showing up in my photo grid
How would you do that?
right now i manually take them out of the photo grid
Anyone thought of doing automatic tagging like some photo software does? Such as all the photos with trees in them?
aaronpk: do you use a specific shortcut etc to upload screenshots? maybe lack of exif?
GWG, willing to bet you could do some color palette analysis and screenshots would look very different from photos (except maybe a screenshot of a desktop with photo background 😛 )
Ramon[d] joined the channel
ok yeah sorry, that's definitely dev
Yes, I was keeping it high level in here
aaronpk, one simple trick: png vs jpg 😂
kimberly, kimberlyhirsh and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
at a UI level, I do vaguely remember that Flickr took steps to NIPSA screenshots, without any need for the user to do anything (either publisher or viewer)
png vs jpg would probably get me 90% of the way there. i wonder why I am not doing that yet
I am good at coming up at with simple imperfect ideas ;)
capjamesg[d], gRegor and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
Quick question about photos: should all photos be marked up as u-photo or only the "featured" / "main" photo?
capjamesg[d]: May be a dev question, so will answer there
capjamesg[d] because it's a user experience thing, do you consider it a photo post or not?
grantcodes[d] joined the channel
[tantek] No. The posts are just regular notes that may have multiple photos.
short answer is no, regular notes should not use plumbing to signal that they are something other than notes
jacky and n8chz joined the channel
jacky, KartikPrabhu, vilhalmer, Bitweasil, gRegor, gxt_ and ap joined the channel
[MaggieAppleton] digital-gardeners: Resources, links, projects, and ideas for gardeners tending their digital notes on the public interwebs
maybe in the issue tracker?
[fluffy] and sennomo joined the channel
where's the issue tracker?
BigShip and sennomo__ joined the channel
who's going to start an OnlyBans for people kicked off of OnlyFans?
Somebody has already registered multiple onlybans domains, so maybe it's in the works.
tetov-irc, mutandis, shoesNsocks, KartikPrabhu, sennomo and [snarfed] joined the channel