#indieweb 2021-08-18

2021-08-18 UTC
I've gone almost totally dark on the public web because I want to make it hard for supporters of a think tank investigating a project I worked on to harass me... But I'm itchy like if my website is hidden, do I exist?
That's a tricky situation.
neshpion, jacky, Jad, justache, hendursa1 and tss joined the channel
[Gabriele_Girel] and epilys joined the channel
Hallo, I'm implementing webmention and... I'm kind of wondering how do I test this stuff locally. Am I stuck with cURL?
tetov-irc and gxt joined the channel
have a look at webmention.rocks
Hi epilys! Good question, I think people have been doing it in different ways, but probably mostly cURL. There is https://webmention.rocks/ which is open source and could probably be run locally, as well as https://github.com/voxpelli/node-webmention-testpinger for sending a bunch of pings.
Over in #indieweb-dev you might be able to find some more people who have done similar things themselves and are happy to go deeper into the tech side. We try to keep this channel from going to deep into development talk :)
gxt_ joined the channel
Zegnat, thanks :) I'll go over -dev
KartikPrabhu, nertzy, sennomo, Jad, hendursaga, jacky, angelo, shoesNsocks and chatter joined the channel; epilys left the channel
i decided to sort out my website setup but i got stuck at the bit where i look at the names of different static site generators
i think the fundamental problem here is that the problem is just complex enough that you can offer a distinct set of features, but just simple enough that any web dev will think "oh, i could make one of those"
glguy, timdream, jacky, Allie, maxwell_joslyn[d, tetov-irc, wackycity[d] and inky_ joined the channel