#indieweb 2021-08-25

2021-08-25 UTC
rockorager and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
I get four or more of these types of requests a week. Usually they're one of two types: we'd like to pay you to put a guest post up (with links), or we like your post (random example URL from my site here), would you consider updating it with a link to our product/site?
My favorite is that they say they loved my site and usually some very specific post which was apparently incredibly well written. 95 times out of 100 the post they loved is a microblog sort of post like a /read or a /bookmark. 🤣
I get the spam asking if people can write guest posts
the links they mention on my site are usually my tag pages or somewhere deep in the pages of my bookmarks feed or something. Like not a permalink
so it's clearly some automated thing doing it so I just ignore it
that's interesting... my experience is almost always a permalink to a particular thing and they seem to be interested in promoting something at least tangentially related to one of the categories/tags for that particular post.
Yeah it's usually related to something on that page but if any actual person looked at the page they would not write the things they write
I'm sure it's some SEO agency trying to get back links for clients on relevant websites
Mine are definitely of an automated nature too.
I am interested in the earlier question of if anyone has taken guests posts on their sites in the past. I suspect since most of us have personal sites the answer is no, but I do wonder if anyone has a side-project or topic-based blog if they've done something like this in the past.
I know that some Twitter accounts will have guest posters for a day or a week. I know the NPR account will do a "takeover" by one of their interns who does posting for a few days. Anyone had someone do notes for them on their site?
I've seen account takeovers on instagram too
Anyone want to take over my site for a week? 😛
The tough part is how to do that so that it's obvious when syndicated....
seekr joined the channel
Okay, made the first set of improvements by adding photo thumbnails instead of icons. https://david.shanske.com/
maxwelljoslyn[d], guss77[m] and guss77[m]1 joined the channel; guss77[m] left the channel
GWG has 28 karma in this channel over the last year (97 in all channels)
GWG++ that's clever, I like the summary headline in the list of "1 year ago"
GWG has 29 karma in this channel over the last year (98 in all channels)
[jeremycherfas] I'm reading your material about blog carnivals and wondering if you've got any extant examples of them? Your post on blog memes also reminds me a bit of the old friendship books https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friendship_book and the idea behind formspring.me (defunct) which was a similar social start up: https://techcrunch.com/2010/01/04/formspring-ask-me-anything/
I'm also wondering how close or far away the idea of blog carnivals is from the more recent blogchains? (https://web.archive.org/web/20201025125935/https://blog.cjeller.site/blogging-futures)
There's also a tradition of confession albums which are quite similar in the analog space: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confession_album
Are there other older examples of these in the blogosphere?
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
I get about one of those offers to place content a week.
↩️ I get those requests too, often to a newsletter issue from long ago.
!tell [chrisaldrich] I had a brief look for live blog carnivals and didn’t find any. I’ll dig deeper later today.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[indienews] New post: "Fixing a line width issue on this blog" https://jamesg.blog/2021/08/25/fixing-a-line-width-issue
jeremycherfas has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (12 in all channels)
There's a mention of your site in there 🙂
hendursa1, KartikPrabhu and tetov-irc joined the channel
Cool. I’ll look when I am back home.
rockorager joined the channel
[tantek]: Which summary headline?
rockorager joined the channel
Nice article [capjamesg] I’m also digging into images wider than the text column, in connection with my quest implement side notes but that is on hold for at least a week.
I haven't had time to look into making the images wider than text columns just yet. But I know it can be done and it's something I want to do.
Let me know if you find an efficient method [jeremycherfas].
rockorager, nertzy_, hendursaga and hendursa1 joined the channel
I suspect it may involve percent negative margins.
inky_, hendursaga and grantcodes[d] joined the channel
ok, I added "https://jamesg.blog/2021/08/25/fixing-a-line-width-issue" to the "See Also" section of /accessibility https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=76688&oldid=76590
capjamesg[d] has 1 karma over the last year
that can't be right... capjamesg++
capjamesg has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (7 in all channels)
yes, much better.
[manton], twinsignal, rockorager, chenghiz_, KartikPrabhu, shoesNsocks1, alex11, angelo, jacky and neshpion joined the channel
Yay! 🎉
hendursaga, nertzy_, shoesNsocks, rockorager, jacky, gxt_, [aciccarello], timdream, jamietanna, benji, tetov-irc and mutandis joined the channel; mgdm left the channel