#indieweb 2021-08-30

2021-08-30 UTC
Seirdy, nolith, jbove, peterrother, voxpelli, capjamesg[d], bneil, wrmilling, sm2n, vilhalmer, strugee, j0hnny, GWG, kzrl and [tantek] joined the channel
What are silo quits
silo quits are public statements by individuals announcing they have quit posting on or using various silos with no intention to return. Sometimes people take a temporary break, AKA "social media break" or soft quit https://indieweb.org/silo-quits
silo quits << “taking a Social Media break.” https://www.instagram.com/p/CSEpeG7LJrV/
ok, I added "“taking a Social Media break.” https://www.instagram.com/p/CSEpeG7LJrV/" to the "See Also" section of /silo-quits https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=76735&oldid=76583
Nuve1, hendursa1, inky_, tetov-irc, sebbu, nertzy__, Ramon[d], chenghiz_, sm2n, quantdaddy[m], hendursaga, Zegnat[d], Ruxton, neshpion and Nuve7 joined the channel
moved Bridgy stats from the front page to a semi-hidden page, just FYI all: https://brid.gy/admin/stats
Seirdy, KartikPrabhu and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
What other dark magic are you doing [snarfed]? I just got a brid.gy webmention from Facebook a minute ago...
Jordy[d] and neshpion joined the channel
hah sorry [chrisaldrich]! I think that was an old one that I retried manually
been doing a lot of manual testing of various parts after shipping https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/1037
[snarfed] #1037 Port from webapp2 to Flask
That's alright... you just got my hopes up. I knew about the upgrades and thought: maybe??? Feel free to test away against my account as needed. 🙂
snarfed has 25 karma in this channel over the last year (51 in all channels)
bridgy has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
nertzy__, timdream, [manton], [KevinMarks], [schmarty], qa6, tetov-irc, sm2n_, Seirdy and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel