#indieweb 2021-08-31

2021-08-31 UTC
maxwelljoslyn[d], n8chz1, hendursaga, apophys_, blahblah441_ and j0hnny joined the channel
Seirdy, hendursa1, grantcodes[d], Nezteb[d], jgee7, tetov-irc, n8chz, rommudoh[m], nekr0z, astralbijection[, DavidWeekes[m], hala-bala[m], reed, LaBcasse[m], Abhas[m], lasr[m], benatkin, vikanezrimaya, Lohn, cambridgeport90[, SamWilson[m], P[m], diegov, khanate, threewordchant, guss77[m], quantdaddy[m], jfkimmes[m], ballpointcarrot[, benchi[m], Phil[m], nertzy__, nolith and chenghiz_ joined the channel
[arush] joined the channel
dat preview text tho 😂
I would have said Facebook is the AOL of the 21st century, except ten times worse.
huh, that article takes A LOT of liberties with the narrative it tells
lol I don't remember any person who used AOL disks who later became excited about the "finger" program. those were disjoint sets AFAIK
"Then people cooled on Friendster" <- nah, Friendster became so irresponsively slow that people lost patience with it and gave up checking it every day
(btw, when they rewrote it in Java because they thought that would solve all their PHP problems. instead the switch to Java basically destroyed the site's performance)
"business people, and they created new services, including a service called MySpace" <- uh no, MySpace was founded by Tom, a hacker & creative person.
wow this is a worse summary than The Social Network: "Finally, some smart people hit on a formula and they created some brand-new places for people to meet. / / One of them was called Facebook."
ok this is a good summary: "People had thought they were relating to one another, but they were really screaming at one another like in a school lunchroom food fight."
at least the article ending is optimistic. won't spoil it ;)
(parts of this story would make a good lightning talk at an IWC)
it's a bit overdone, yes
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
ooh trailblazer
Seirdy, jjuran, neshpion, [aciccarello] and tetov-irc joined the channel