npd[m]like it would be fun to write up an indieweb-style proposal/tool for the current "satellite" contest on connecting identities from different services
npd[m]rattroupe[d]: thanks, I'll look! (connecting via the Matrix bridge I'm not getting much scrollback at all, but glad that indieweb keeps web-accessible logs)
npd[m]maybe I'm just not cynical enough ... but I think it's kind of lovely and potentially very useful to others to show how 18-(ish)-year-old protocols work to robustly address a current problem
[tantek]they don't care about / want simple boring existing solutions. they want complex solutions they can wave about being invented or sponsored via a contest
npd[m]<[snarfed]> "npd: thanks for the offer! here..." <- this is great! thanks for taking the lead on this. and I think it's so great to do the drafting in public, because this approach really doesn't need secrecy and indeed benefits from the input of the people who are already using it
capjamesg[d]I suppose I could scrape the DOM for certain attributes, send them as a request to ownyourgram, then ownyourgram could handle the actual Micropub request to a site.
Loqicapjamesg[d]: we try to keep jargon (open source, Micropub) out of this channel to make it more inviting to newcomers, can you move this to #indieweb-dev?