#indieweb 2021-09-23

2021-09-23 UTC
oodani joined the channel
"Blueskid is not an entry in the Satellite contest. First of all, I’m sort of a @bluesky insider and the idea is to bring in ideas from the community. Second, Satellite is looking for something with a focus on decentralization and radical innovation. Blueskid uses public-key and ledger technologies that, in the software-technology context, are as old as dirt. I offer Blueskid as a low bar that the Satellite offerings really ought to
edburns joined the channel
wasn't Tim a blockchain skeptic?
kevinc[d], kaeldra[d] and edburns[d] joined the channel
Thanks for being welcoming. I am going to digest this information and see how I can get more involved.
I must depart now for another meeting.
edburns[d]: Don't be a stranger
GWG: πŸ‘
neocow, sennomo and Moosadee joined the channel
I am sort of surprised at that post [snarfed].
I prefer rel=me πŸ˜„
voxpelli Did you read anything interesting about recrawling?
My sample size is small enough that I can technically recrawl every page in the index in three days.
But I have no rules on when / how to recrawl.
Maybe I need to have a "next crawl" value saved to a file and every day a cron job executes a script that reads that file and crawls any sites in it.
hendursa1 joined the channel
capjamesg[d] I have zero technical understanding of these types of challenges, so this may be completely wide of the mark, but would feed readers be a potential source of inspiration? It feels like they would need to solve this problem to an extent: when to refresh a feed/check for updates? As you're (mainly) indexing Indieweb sites, could you even have a feature where a site triggered its own recrawl? (With frequency limits to stop abuse)
It's funny you say that Murray...
I wrote a feed polling script for my Microsub server.
I was thinking about using that to discover new content.
Someone more experienced in search than I should speak more to why a crawler should not "subscribe" to a feed.
My polling script read mf2 and RSS/Atom and supported etag / last-modified for detecting changes.
friendly reminder capjamesg[d], we try to keep dev talk (Microsub, ATOM, ETag, mf2, RSS) out of this channel, can you move to #indieweb-dev?
Sorry Loqi.
gxt, _inky and Hory joined the channel
Now that it's time for Web 3.0, how do we build it with citizens at the center? Join us at #UnfinishedLive for a conversation with @divyasiddarth, @rushkoff, and @everydaytaz, hosted by @krmaher, about the possibility of a better web. Get tickets here: http://live.unfinished.com https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E_gdhl9WEAYnhBC.jpg
for someone who lived through the web 2.0 craze and believed it will bring goodness, only to see the walled app world to emerge from it, I don't get good vibes from the term web 3.0.
tetov-irc joined the channel
Looks a little interesting for surfacing non-silo content from silos: https://www.feedsmage.com/
sennomo and wagle joined the channel
that unfinished conf is so disappointing
there's quite a few good people on the panel but anything that hints at the Web is polluted with this blockchain nonsense
hendursaga, _inky and Moosadee joined the channel
petermolnar, more directly, web 2.0 "user generated content" phase morphed into surveillance capitalism, the business model for UGC πŸ˜•
the walled app world is a consequence of "smart phones" with "modern" web browsers (instead of very reduced feature "mobile browsers")
rommudoh[m] joined the channel
who decided "it's time for Web 3.0"? that sounds like presumptive hypephrase marketing
nekr0z, hala-bala[m], DavidWeekes[m], astralbijection[ and LaBcasse[m] joined the channel
i'ts been "time for web 3.0" for the last 10 years πŸ™„
xodazuwe[m], reed, Abhas[m], benatkin, sontaran[m] and quantdaddy[m] joined the channel
web 3.0 and the year of the linux desktop
mackeveli_, vikanezrimaya, jfkimmes[m], Lohn, SamWilson[m], ballpointcarrot[, threewordchant, benchi[m], Phil[m], guss77[m], MatrixTravelerbo, zblesk[m], diegov, npd[m], LEl[m] and ChrisHarris[m] joined the channel
aaronpk, I believe the SemWeb folks have been clamoring for their "web3" even longer, long before it was hijacked by the blockchainers
hendursaga joined the channel
SVG rippling and folding and looking misty
oh wow i thought 2006 was 10 years ago
that is what i was referring to :P
iridium__ and Ramon[d] joined the channel; iridium__ left the channel
[tantek] Interesting.
Well said by Berners-Lee.
But it seems like a lot of modern apps have gone against the semantic web spirit.
that's putting it mildly
unfortunately "the semantic web spirit" was also itself a big misdirection from user-centered to plumbing-centered
tbh even our attempts with the "lowercase semantic web", though more practical, less work for more immediate benefit, also suffered from being too plumbing focused rather than user (observable features) focused
the "our" their refers to those of us figuring out, organizing, and growing the #microformats community
the "our" there*
hey [tantek], we try to keep dev talk (Microformats, manifest) out of this channel, can you move to #indieweb-dev?
which eventually did manifest poorly as folks being more focused on marking things up than in enabling & building publishing/consuming ecosystems that provided real user benefits and value
lolol my English use of manifest πŸ˜›
ok I'm dropping that from jargon
Seirdy joined the channel
and adding a few others, you weren't completely wrong Loqi
Thanks for sharing tantek:
I don’t know much about that period in web history.
Your brief was is valued!
I think microformats has done a good job of conveying the principle that you should use the minimum markup you need.
And only mark up if you need to (in the vein of not adding unnecessary values, etc.).
*is valued
That is an example of my poor mobile typing.
yeah, at least we did get that part right: should use the minimum markup you need
we just needed to better define "need" πŸ™‚
Jad, Loqi, [benatwork] and hans1963[d] joined the channel
tantek would love your feedback on IndieWeb search.
puts on user cap
s/made by someone in the IndieWeb community/an IndieWeb community volunteer
s/someone in the IndieWeb community/an IndieWeb community volunteer
double-er, I'm misunderstanding
I don’t understand either haha πŸ™‚
Oh I do now.
I couldn’t think of what to put there.
I’d happily replace that text πŸ˜„
The goal was to convey, in a sentence or so, that you could peruse different sites made by IndieWeb community members.
having tried a few queries, it seemed to go quite beyond "IndieWeb community members"
s/find a web page made by someone in the IndieWeb community/search web sites published by members of the IndieWeb community and related sites
Most sites are either from the wiki or the IndieMap crawl. Some have been taken from blogrolls of community members.
I like that better.
Good call tantek.
tantek has 9 karma in this channel over the last year (55 in all channels)
s/date (descending)/recent
s/date (ascending)/oldest
s/relevance/best guess
πŸ™‚ some degree of self-deprecation in UI sets user-expectations to be more forgiving of imperfections
Best guess? 🀣
I like recent vs. oldest.
"relevance" is a tough user-expectation to meet
It is. I wrote that with my engineer cap on.
Technically results should be relevant.
But indeed relevance is hard.
"best guess" was a quick alternative I came up with to "feeling lucky"
technical relevance is rarely user relevant
Yeah haha.
The ranking algorithm places heavy weights on text.
Text should always win out over links.
I can’t think of a good alternative to Relevance πŸ˜„
How / when was your intent not met tantek. That’s really the big thing I want to optimize for.
Now that the crawler has the features I need to counter some issues / logistics.
timdream joined the channel
I see seven identical "Joining Mozilla" results there
regarding intent not met, these don't appear to be the "most" relevant results or even close? https://indieweb-search.jamesg.blog/results?query=Mozilla
kimberlyhirsh[d] joined the channel
feature request: would it be possible to show "site" and "post" results in two separate side-by-side columns? perhaps underneath the cool "definition" box with dotted border? e.g.: https://indieweb-search.jamesg.blog/results?query=microformats
if there's a way to distinguish site vs post, even if it's "just" domain home page (path == "/") meaning site, and any other path meaning "post" or "page"
hey [tantek], [KevinMarks]: it seems like this conversation is more appropriate for #indieweb-dev (Microformats)
if the content is marked up with microformats you could maybe make better SERPS to show post types
here's a bug - you're linking to me with https, even though my site doesn't do https: https://indieweb-search.jamesg.blog/results?query=sparks
that's so well deserved Loqi πŸ˜‚
j12t joined the channel
Anybody attending or watching that Unfinished decentralization event in NYC?
KartikPrabhu and tetov-irc joined the channel