Ruxtonthe moderating on the discussion was heavy and imo affected the discussion and outcomes because too many people were scared of defamation law suits
hendursaga, sennomo, n8chz and [fluffy] joined the channel
capjamesg[d]"This is a mess. It might get up to the Supreme Court, but no matter what happens, don’t expect any good solutions as long as lawyers and judges don’t understand technology."
capjamesg[d]Regarding de-duping, I have just cleaned up what should be all duplicates. Those duplicates were left over from a previous crawl, before I added in better duplication checking. Feel free to try again 🙂 There are ten unique results for your query now.
capjamesg[d]What did you mean re: "site" and "post" results? Can you elaborate a bit more? I could add some feature that let you search for unique sites and blog posts.
jeremycherfas!tell petermolnar That is very interesting, especially the whole question of embedding versus downloading a copy and hosting it yourself (if you can).
capjamesg[d]Our wiki page on Mozilla is not very comprehensive. I could tap into that page for a basic definition but that's probably not the best idea because someone who sees a link to a resource at the top of a page would likely expect that resource to be authoritative and comprehensive.
capjamesg[d]I could technically integrate Wikipedia I suppose. But then Wikipedia would likely rank very well for a lot of terms, thus displacing some personal sites that might have relevant content.