#Jamietanna1Does anyone know if there is any way to get Bridgy to mute a twitter thread? Being piled ony
#Jamietanna1Does anyone know if there is any way to get Bridgy to mute a twitter thread? Being piled on by TERFs and although I've muted in Twitter, I'd quite like to on bridgy too 🤔
ShinyCyril, sgreger, _inky and shoesNsocks1 joined the channel; sgreger left the channel
#[snarfed]Jamietanna1 Bridgy handles blocked users, but not individual thread mutes, no, sorry. (didn't even know you could do that 😁)
#[snarfed]maybe you could special case that post in your wm receiver?
ShinyCyril, Teszt123, sennomo and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
#omz13Sorry folks - the kids are playing up tonight so I gotta bail from gardens & streams
j12t joined the channel
#j12tThe Isaac Newton story with the waste book (sp?) is fascinating. If today's tool are Facebook and Twitter, can we imagine that Calculus could have been created there?!?
#doubleloopHeading off now for family duties - thanks Chris for organising and Alisdair for facilitating the great 1st session - looking forward to the notes from the other sessions :)
#LoqiNaming is hard, yes, even, especially for a personal site since you have to pick both a name you like as a representation of yourself, and one that hasn’t been already taken, though sometimes you can ask nicely (or pay a lot) for domains that are registered but unused https://indieweb.org/naming
[schmarty] joined the channel; Ben10 left the channel
#christinThanks for such a rich discussion! See you all next time.
#sgregerI recall seeing a digital garden a little while ago that provided a git repo link for every page (unfortunately can't find the bookmark right now in my digital garden …oh the irony!)
#[KevinMarks]my posts are in git, and I have had PRs fixing typos
#@flancian@brunowinck I want to but haven't gotten around to implementing yet, do you have a good starter URL to get up to speed with webmention and the ecosystem as you see it? Would [[indie web]] be the name of the ecosystem, or something else? (twitter.com/_/status/1441842352285433857)
#capjamesg[d]I am so sorry I missed this event! I RSVPd yes. I hope you are all having a great time!
#GWGcapjamesg[d]: You can still join in, we have another 30
#LoqiDiscovery is a variety of methods for finding content, websites, communities, or people to follow on the web including search, directories, recommendation engines, tags, or other serendipitous methods https://indieweb.org/discovery
#GWGhopes [chrisaldrich]'s side issue is upgrading Post Kinds
#[chrisaldrich]Thanks all! Gardens and Streams II has wrapped!
#BrunoWYeah! Congratulations for organising @Chrisaldrich
westie[d], P1000[d], KartikPrabhu, sennomo, alex11 and seekr joined the channel
#[tantek]capjamesg[d] neat improvements in the search engine!
#[tantek]I'm confused by "most recent or date (descending). " however, because aren't those the same? most recent dates are the highest (i.e. unix time), and thus you'd expect highest descending to lowest order from there
#[tantek]and the the opposite is "oldest" which should be equivalent to date (ascending), from lowest (unix time) date ascending to highest.
shoesNsocks, sennomo_, tetov-irc, sennomo__, sennomo and Saphire joined the channel