Jamietanna1Does anyone know if there is any way to get Bridgy to mute a twitter thread? Being piled on by TERFs and although I've muted in Twitter, I'd quite like to on bridgy too 🤔
ShinyCyril, sgreger, _inky and shoesNsocks1 joined the channel; sgreger left the channel
j12tThe Isaac Newton story with the waste book (sp?) is fascinating. If today's tool are Facebook and Twitter, can we imagine that Calculus could have been created there?!?
doubleloopHeading off now for family duties - thanks Chris for organising and Alisdair for facilitating the great 1st session - looking forward to the notes from the other sessions :)
LoqiNaming is hard, yes, even, especially for a personal site since you have to pick both a name you like as a representation of yourself, and one that hasn’t been already taken, though sometimes you can ask nicely (or pay a lot) for domains that are registered but unused https://indieweb.org/naming
[schmarty] joined the channel; Ben10 left the channel
sgregerI recall seeing a digital garden a little while ago that provided a git repo link for every page (unfortunately can't find the bookmark right now in my digital garden …oh the irony!)
@flancian@brunowinck I want to but haven't gotten around to implementing yet, do you have a good starter URL to get up to speed with webmention and the ecosystem as you see it? Would [[indie web]] be the name of the ecosystem, or something else? (twitter.com/_/status/1441842352285433857)
LoqiDiscovery is a variety of methods for finding content, websites, communities, or people to follow on the web including search, directories, recommendation engines, tags, or other serendipitous methods https://indieweb.org/discovery
[tantek]I'm confused by "most recent or date (descending). " however, because aren't those the same? most recent dates are the highest (i.e. unix time), and thus you'd expect highest descending to lowest order from there