#indieweb 2021-10-04

2021-10-04 UTC
[timothy_chambe] joined the channel
yeah 😞
SamWilson[m], samwilson, Guest2366, maxwelljoslyn[d], [fluffy], alex11, hendursaga, Moosadee, [KevinMarks], hendursa1, _inky, sm2n, tetov-irc, Seirdy and [Grant_Hutchins] joined the channel
I'm extremely proud of Frances for whistleblowing. (She is a college friend of mine.) I'm hopeful this will accelerate the debate around social network centralization.
Ramon[d], joshproehl, hendursa1, _inky, [chrisbergr], hendursaga, chenghiz_, qa6_, qa6, kn07 and stephenajulu joined the channel
Hi, how are you? Question, how does one join the indiewebring? I have been trying to signin but to no avail. I have already set up indieauth and rel me on my site.
_inky, Moosadee, mackeveli_, diegov, vikanezrimaya, xodazuwe[m] and sontaran[m] joined the channel
lmao. Facebook is down.
kn07 joined the channel
<Bitweasil-> "lmao. Facebook is down." <- And took WhatsApp and Instagram with it. Looks like there's some big trouble in Zuck-land...
mambang[m] joined the channel
Ha, I was gonna mention that but y'all beat me to it!
We’re aware that some people are having trouble accessing our apps and products. We’re working to get things back to normal as quickly as possible, and we apologize for any inconvenience.
I love this. Facebook posting about their outage on Twitter 🙂
Even their Tor onion address is down too :)
jeremy[m]1234, jfkimmes[m], nekr0z, kn07, guss77[m] and jryans joined the channel
This screenshot/caption is my fave so far https://twitter.com/geoiac/status/1445061815604482059
What is outage?
outage also known as down as in the opposite of "up" in the context of the indieweb, and refers to an interruption to a service or server, when it is not responding as it should, which could mean its DNS is not resolving, or the server is not responding, or it is responding with a particular error such as a 502 Bad Gateway https://indieweb.org/outage
plindner[m], Moosadee, qa6, npd[m] and cadeyrn[d] joined the channel
capjamesg[d], want to do the honors of adding today’s entry to https://indieweb.org/Facebook#Downtime?
qa6 joined the channel
Hmmm, looks like the IRC-Matrix bridge is also having issues. The messages appear about half an hour late. Coincidence? ;)
[tantek] I made some contributions. I am greatly honored!
Matrix(.org) might be overloaded
let's call it eventual consistency and say it's actually a good thing in a distributed system (hello from the matrix bridge, on an account on mozilla•org)
npd[m]++ yay!
npd[m] has 1 karma over the last year
benji, _inky, macaw, zblesk[m], Seirdy0, Seirdy and Jeremy joined the channel
Not only are the public facing apps down, but Facebook's internal tooling and communications are reportedly down as well
Jeremy: [Rose] left you a message on 2020-03-20 at 9:51am UTC: I'm glad you liked it! I own it 😄
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
timdream and Jad joined the channel
Reports of FB employee badges not working https://twitter.com/sheeraf/status/1445099150316503057
Was just on phone with someone who works for FB who described employees unable to enter buildings this morning to begin to evaluate extent of outage because their badges weren’t working to access doors.
edburns[d] joined the channel
yo not quite getting it (if you're able to post it, then it's not true) https://twitter.com/hashtag/TwitterDown
maybe TwitterGlitch would be more accurate 😛
[snarfed] joined the channel
pretty interesting to see facebook fall over
gRegor and macaw63 joined the channel
Howdy indieweb
tetov-irc joined the channel
hey gRegor!
nice to see you gRegor, good day for it 😄
Yeah, it was a slow news day online, figured I'd see what indieweb is up to XD
gRegor: Great to see you
Thanks. Likewise :)
sm2n_ joined the channel