LoqiA reply context is the display of what a reply post is in reply to, including linking to that original post with in-reply-to markup, showing some amount of that original post like author name, icon, summary / ellipsed content, and datetime published https://indieweb.org/reply-context
hendursa1, gerben, [fluffy], ben_thatmustbeme, justache, blahblah441, vroman_ and [pfefferle] joined the channel
@jessicaasims@JuiceboxCA@RebeccaComms It’s not about not building on borrowed lands. It’s using them but not being wholly reliant on them. They’re the F buddy of the internet. We should use them to get what we need but once one of us are out, it shouldn’t really matter. (twitter.com/_/status/1445293084183605250)
capjamesg[d]I'm curious to get UX feedback on IndieWeb Search. I remember Tantek said in a talk about the IndieWeb challenging the way things are with the web and I want to do the same with search.
capjamesg[d]One thing I thought about was having an icon that links directly to feeds in the search engine so someone can easily subscribe to a site's feed.
capjamesg[d]Side note, before I forget: I am opening up an endpoint on my webmention server that discovers a webmention endpoint URL per the spec. Same logic I use in my endpoint. If anyone has use for this API, let me know and I'll document it.
petermolnar"you should follow people, not feeds" - I still disagree. One should follow what they are interested in; it could be people, it could be topics.
aaronpkthe topic-oriented instagram profile is definitely a thing. I have now two separate instagram accounts so that I can follow totally different content in different contexts, and so that instagram recommends me similar accounts for each context
aaronpkand in that case, I mostly only want to follow profiles that are consistent in the kinds of things they post, like if someone is always posting photos of their art, I don't want that to be mixed in with photos of their food
capjamesg[d]The search engine doesn’t support WebSub though so you’d just have to wait for your feed reader to parse the feed on whatever cadence that happens.
aaronpki have my "presentations" page for when *I* do a presentation somewhere, but I don't have a good list of all the times I have been a guest on someone else's livestream or podcast
@hondanhon"My God," whispered Dr. Sattler. "It's an apex content predator." Dr. Grant made a face. "Facebook." He said, grimly, translating for the audience. (twitter.com/_/status/1445462425893965824)
[tantek]aaronpk, while I appreciate the "didn't have to write any code", in this case it's presentation looks so much like every other "stream of items" link on your page that it's a little hard to tell what's special about it?
[tantek]not like this is any better (in many ways worse), but here's my historical "interviews" page which I obviously stopped updating a while ago https://tantek.com/w/TantekInterviews