#indieweb 2021-10-05

2021-10-05 UTC
KartikPrabhu, aranjedeath, hendursaga, sm2n_, jjuran, Dystopia and gRegor joined the channel
What is reply context?
A reply context is the display of what a reply post is in reply to, including linking to that original post with in-reply-to markup, showing some amount of that original post like author name, icon, summary / ellipsed content, and datetime published https://indieweb.org/reply-context
hendursa1, gerben, [fluffy], ben_thatmustbeme, justache, blahblah441, vroman_ and [pfefferle] joined the channel
@JuiceboxCA @RebeccaComms It’s not about not building on borrowed lands. It’s using them but not being wholly reliant on them. They’re the F buddy of the internet. We should use them to get what we need but once one of us are out, it shouldn’t really matter.
tetov-irc joined the channel
that might be a bit harshly worded for some ocasions :D
[jacky] and n8chz joined the channel
Yeah that’s not really going to win you any friends
"Yeah that’s not really going to win you any friends" - what about friends with benefits? /me ducks
_inky, shoesNsocks and michael___ joined the channel
I'm curious to get UX feedback on IndieWeb Search. I remember Tantek said in a talk about the IndieWeb challenging the way things are with the web and I want to do the same with search.
One thing I thought about was having an icon that links directly to feeds in the search engine so someone can easily subscribe to a site's feed.
But maybe not such a good idea because some sites have multiple feeds for each page 🙂
macaw joined the channel
capjamesg[d] re: challenging things. YES. And that includes the feed-centric "subscribe" assumption.
you should follow people, not feeds
and the closest thing we have to a person on the web is their home page. not "a feed of their home page", but literally their home page
this may include one or more feeds as *part of it*
haha even the robot agrees
Love it Loqi!
aaronpk has heard this rant already 🙂
I'd love to have some easy way to surface new home pages.
I just have "random" right now which takes you to a random page in the index.
Which serves a different intent.
This is a legitimately radical proposal in that it would essentially destroy social media as we know it. It would make our feeds crappy and boring, and either spam-ridden or overly sanitized or both. The question is: Have things gotten so bad that it's worth it? https://twitter.com/lizzadwoskin/status/1445424359158341635
hendursa1 joined the channel
[tantek] I agree re: following feeds over people. Maybe I'll not add feed links as a feature.
But I'm open to anything!
One idea on my mind is how to move past the "10 blue links" approach. Is there another way to present results that might work?
What IndieWeb "inspect" features would be useful?
Side note, before I forget: I am opening up an endpoint on my webmention server that discovers a webmention endpoint URL per the spec. Same logic I use in my endpoint. If anyone has use for this API, let me know and I'll document it.
capjamesg[d] you could put author icons next to post & site links
(which of course link to their site)
again, person-centric UI over plumbing-centric (feeds)
I like that.
Implementation would take a bit of work but would be pretty simple.
I wonder how I could emphasize home pages a bit more too.
hendursaga joined the channel
"you should follow people, not feeds" - I still disagree. One should follow what they are interested in; it could be people, it could be topics.
(and following a person still smells cult :P)
petermolnar that is a good point.
Someone can follow a search result if they really want to 😂
It’s a h-feed.
micro.blog lets you discover by interest which I find fascinating.
the topic-oriented instagram profile is definitely a thing. I have now two separate instagram accounts so that I can follow totally different content in different contexts, and so that instagram recommends me similar accounts for each context
and in that case, I mostly only want to follow profiles that are consistent in the kinds of things they post, like if someone is always posting photos of their art, I don't want that to be mixed in with photos of their food
so i'm not really following them as a person, i'm following their art
aaronpk, sounds like you had to workaround IG's lack of a "lists" feature (e.g. what Twitter has)
sort of, but it's both ways
i *don't* want to follow everything someone might post
also, "mute" solves / can solve most of these "but I don't want to see" problems
twitter figured this out, which is why you can mute hashtags
i only want to follow *some things* a person posts
don't make this an "account" problem
but it is
no, that's a hammer everything looks like it could be a nail 😛
unless you can tell me how i can follow only someone's photos of their art when they also post photos of their food and other stuff
whether it's an account or a tag, it's specifically *not* following a person
I mean I'd like to follow [Jeremy_Keith]'s photos except mute the ones of meat
same tbh
(I vaguely recall someone else, maybe rhiaro? saying something similar)
or maybe it was you aaronpk that said it
nah I still think this is a refinement of what you want to see from a person
the person is still the focus
petermolnar, on the social web, everyone can be a cult leader for 15 followers 😉
I like the general approach of being able to signal on individual posts "more like this" or "less like this"
and then maybe dialing that into hashtags to filter in/out per person
like yes I want to especially see [Jeremy_Keith]'s #indieweb photos, however not his #meat photos.
p-category combined with bayesian reader?
(This might be -dev territory)
yeah adding that b-word to jargon 😛
Haha 😂
I was just thinking that making search results a h-feed actually does something interesting for Microsub.
You could subscribe to page 1 of a query and see all of the new top hits in your feed.
The search engine doesn’t support WebSub though so you’d just have to wait for your feed reader to parse the feed on whatever cadence that happens.
hey capjamesg[d], it seems like this conversation is more appropriate for #indieweb-dev (Microsub, Microformats, parse, WebSub)
I am so sorry Loqi.
After all that talk about jargon I should have known better.
Thoughts can continue in dev.
you knew that was coming lol
My tired mind is kicking in.
Seirdy joined the channel
you could render the serps like reply contexts maybe
Can you elaborate?
in #indieweb-dev please
gonna add that s-word too
_inky, edburns[d], moftasa[m], gRegor and macaw joined the channel
on a non-developer topic... i'm thinking i need some part of my website to list other peoples' podcasts/videos i have been on
i have my "presentations" page for when *I* do a presentation somewhere, but I don't have a good list of all the times I have been a guest on someone else's livestream or podcast
anyone else have anything similar on their websites?
tetov-irc joined the channel
aaronpk, I used to have an "interviews" section somewhere on my wiki
other folks have lists of "appearances" or "talks given" as well
does your "presentations" page include when you've been on a panel? or where do you put those?
i haven't been on many panels but i believe i have included it on that page
i like "appearances" as the name for these though
you could use huffduffer to collect them
i like to do things a bit more curated than that :)
also some are youtube videos
i suppose i could present these as reposts on my website
"My God," whispered Dr. Sattler. "It's an apex content predator." Dr. Grant made a face. "Facebook." He said, grimly, translating for the audience.
ok, I added "https://twitter.com/hondanhon/status/1445462425893965824?s=20" to the "See Also" section of /Facebook https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=77233&oldid=77214
i didn't even have to write any code to make that happen :)
aaronpk has 15 karma in this channel over the last year (107 in all channels)
aaronpk, while I appreciate the "didn't have to write any code", in this case it's presentation looks so much like every other "stream of items" link on your page that it's a little hard to tell what's special about it?
like it could "just" be a tag page
i'm okay with that
not like this is any better (in many ways worse), but here's my historical "interviews" page which I obviously stopped updating a while ago https://tantek.com/w/TantekInterviews