#indieweb 2021-10-13

2021-10-13 UTC
aranjedeath, angelo, ShinyCyril, nertzy, vaginaldischarge and nertzy_ joined the channel; vaginaldischarge left the channel
DeleteFacebook << WIRED on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CU6N7eLjNys/
[jacky]1, alex11, doosboox2, ^ilhalmer, [Justin_Walsh]1, [fluffy]1, bneil1, Ruxton_, hendursaga, [Ed_Beck]1, _inky, guss77[m], ballpointcarrot[, sebbu, neocow, hendursa1, vikanezrimaya, Allie, neocow6, raghavgururajan, nsh, yar, apophys, milkii, nertzy__, ehmry, distopico and selectric joined the channel
Yay! Homebrew Website Club meeting tonight!
does a happy dance!
Oh, man I love Loqi
best bot ever
Loqi; you are just playing it cool 🙂
Indeed, it’s HWC day! I might attend. I’m not sure yet 🙂
I had big plans to attend, as The Main Squeeze had an engagement, then she informed me that she had cancelled it. :(
Has anyone implemented any of the webmention extensions like vouch into a receiver?
walkah[m], rommudoh[m], hala-bala[m], nekr0z, LaBcasse[m], astralbijection[, xodazuwe[m], benatkin, reed, Abhas[m], mackeveli_, vikanezrimaya, doubleloop[m], Lohn, samwilson, jfkimmes[m], jryans, threewordchant, plindner[m], diegov, guss77[m], MatrixTravelerbo, npd[m], ChrisHarris[m], mambang[m], sontaran[m], Phil[m], zblesk[m], ballpointcarrot[, glenn[m], benchi[m], moftasa[m], LEl[m], jeremy[m]1, mikeputnam, gerben, ^ilhalmer, tetov-irc, _inky and [Justin_Walsh] joined the channel
This is interesting. Facebook used same tactic against whistleblower @szhang_ds that it used against @FBoversight. It got takedown notice issued on her website server. A trillion dollar monopolist with a pattern of behaviour intimidating critics & literally driving them off web https://twitter.com/donie/status/1447928850265092099
nertzy_ joined the channel
That is mad.
There is a scene in the tv show Silicon Valley where a billionaire gets all of the cloud platforms to refuse hosting to the startup.
That interview clip reminded me of the show.
When was the last discussion on this!
I am just thinking that IndieWeb search could easily ingest any h-x-app microformats and aggregate this.
And have an “apps” view (like Google Images or Shopping or whatever; an alternate view) that listed them,
But this is moot if h-x-app is not published by many people.
friendly reminder capjamesg[d], can you move the tech talk (Microformats) to #indieweb-dev to keep this channel more inclusive and inviting?
Yep. Sorry.
gRegor, nolith1, Moosadee, _inky, [schmarty], hendursaga, ShinyCyril, chenghiz_ and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
that sounds like a +1 for .onion addresses as backups in case the main domain goes down?
[schmarty] joined the channel
facebooks onion addresses died when their main routing went down too
gRegor, gRegorLove_ and Moosadee joined the channel
KevinMarks: ooh that's interesting. this is more for dev obviously but i'd love to know how their onion service was set up. i bet it relied on DNS on the backend.
Facebook had onion addresses?
Alec Muffet set it up
SciHub's .onion is down now, while .se is accessible via Tor. I always suspected something was wrong with those .onions...
i think facebook has had tor support for a while
blahblah441 joined the channel
alex11: they do, but it didn't help when their BGP stuff went down
[Ana_Rodrigues] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
What is a setlist?
It looks like we don't have a page for "setlist" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "setlist is ____", a sentence describing the term)
What is a set list?
It looks like we don't have a page for "set list" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "set list is ____", a sentence describing the term)
What is music?
A scrobble (AKA a listen) is a passive type of post used to publish a song (music or audio track, including concert recordings or DJ sets) or podcast that you have listened to https://indieweb.org/music
hans1963[d] joined the channel
What is a setlist?
A setlist or set list is an ordered list of songs, jokes, stories and other elements an artist intends to present during a specific performance https://indieweb.org/setlist
If folks have other examples they'd like to add ^^ or expand on the page. 🎶
Regret Age of Consent Restless Ultraviolence Ceremony Your Silent Face Tutti Frutti Be a Rebel Guilt Is a Useless Emotion Sub-culture Bizarre Love Triangle Vanishing Point Plastic True Faith Blue Monday Temptation Atmosphere Transmission Love Will Tear Us Apart #NewOrderHalifax https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E-1FcsfXoAIfald.jpg
aranjedeath, _inky and jamietanna joined the channel
angelogladding I might hack away at a store view at some point. But I would need to think about structure in depth.
I would need a new elasticsearch store for apps that would be updated in recrawl.
Not a big blocker but I’ll have to whiteboard it.
what is it called when you explicitly state the name of the editor/client you used to make the post alongside said post?
It looks like we don't have a page for "it called when you explicitly state the name of the editor/client you used to make the post alongside said post" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "it called when you explicitly state the name of the editor/client you used to make the post alongside said post is ____", a sentence describing the term)
i should have seen that coming
What is giving credit
giving credit is a collection of cultural practices related to acknowledging and attributing text, hyperlinks, quotes, utterances to others, typically by name, as a way of recognizing their contribution(s) https://indieweb.org/giving-credit
Thanks! I hadn’t seen that page.
Do people markup their giving credit posts?
nice, i think it'd be interesting to put usage metrics alongside apps on some kind of /store
There would need to be a clear consuming use case to justify markup
hey capjamesg[d] aaronpk: we try to keep dev talk (markup) out of this channel, can you move to #indieweb-dev?
I need to think about the logistics of that…
true Loqi
Yep. To dev!
what is using
using is the name of an authoring and/or publishing application, or can also be a page of tools and services that someone uses or likes to use https://indieweb.org/using
angelo ^
ah, that's a good word to capture it
hmm, though that page seems to have been re-purposed for what are things you're using in general
which I suppose is fine, that's a more user-centric rather than tool-centric definition that still fits
I think the using page is good for conveying the “life stack” way of thinking about “using” as a word.
I need to add an example to that page.
What is a life stack?
using is a page of tools and services that someone uses or likes to use, or can also refer to the name of an authoring and/or publishing application in the context of a post, though that secondary meaning is more precisely expressed as giving credit to applications https://indieweb.org/life-stack
what is using
using is a page of tools and services that someone uses or likes to use, or can also refer to the name of an authoring and/or publishing application in the context of a post, though that secondary meaning is more precisely expressed as giving credit to applications https://indieweb.org/using
ok better
[tantek] has 11 karma in this channel over the last year (64 in all channels)
for the improved documentation / wiki gardening.
nolith1, amcorrigal and ShinyCyril joined the channel
What is colophon?
A colophon is a page or section, like a footer, of a site that describes how the site is made, with what tools, supporting what technologies https://indieweb.org/colophon
The prior name for marking the tool up this is generator, don't know if we have that
What is generator?
giving credit is a collection of cultural practices related to acknowledging and attributing text, hyperlinks, quotes, utterances to others, typically by name, as a way of recognizing their contribution(s) https://indieweb.org/generator
nolith1, gRegor, ShinyCyril, tetov-irc, Seirdy and [snarfed] joined the channel