#indieweb 2021-10-19
2021-10-19 UTC
gRegor, [benatwork], delirium, jjuran and amcorrigal joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] tracydurnell, if I recall, I think that WordPress has some functionality for rewriting URLs to get random pages. I think GWG wrote it into one of the plugins in his suite so one can visit https://boffosocko.com/random/ and get random pages as if randomly flipping through a book.

[chrisaldrich] One of my favorite functionalities is simple categories/tags which are often more useful in digital form...

Moosadee, nertzy__, delirium, jonnybarnes, gRegor, gRegorLove_ and jgee joined the channel
capjamesg[d] [chrisaldrich] Check your webmentions ๐

hendursa1, grantcodes[d], schmudde, gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__, tetov-irc and [calumryan] joined the channel
Loqi [indienews] New post: "Adding reply context to my social pages" https://jamesg.blog/2021/10/19/reply-context

KartikPrabhu, schmudde, hendursaga, hepphepp[d], ASSISTENZA, jonnybarnes, amcorrigal and Moosadee joined the channel
tracydurnell[d] @chrisaldrich good point about categories and tags - I've heard of people keeping an index for paper books but that seems much harder to maintain versus typing a few extra words in a box at the same time as posting ๐ (Have you read Piranesi? An index and set of notebooks figures into the story.) I like the random post feed, that's a fun way to look back and jog your memory!

jjuran and gRegor joined the channel
tracydurnell[d] cool!

Loqi A book is a written work typically longer than an article, on the indieweb, there are examples of publishing whole books on IndieWeb sites, as well as collections of their personal library of books both physical and electronic https://indieweb.org/books

tracydurnell[d] wow, this sat in a library forgotten for hundreds of years -- wonder what else is hiding in plain sight out there?! makes me think also of old collections of insects and animals in museums that scientists are now using to identify new species

[tantek] personal library << Pre-indieweb example of a personal library and index/catalog: 2019-04-10 The Guardian: [https://www.theguardian.com/books/2019/apr/10/extraordinary-500-year-old-library-catalogue-reveals-books-lost-to-time-libro-de-los-epitomes 'Extraordinary' 500-year-old library catalogue reveals books lost to time] / The Libro de los Epรญtomes was a catalogue for Hernando Colรณnโs 16th-century collection, which he intended to be

Loqi ok, I added "Pre-indieweb example of a personal library and index/catalog: 2019-04-10 The Guardian: [https://www.theguardian.com/books/2019/apr/10/extraordinary-500-year-old-library-catalogue-reveals-books-lost-to-time-libro-de-los-epitomes 'Extraordinary' 500-year-old library catalogue reveals books lost to time] / The Libro de los Epรญtomes was a catalogue for Hernando Colรณnโs 16th-century collection, which he intended to be " to the "See Also" section of /personal_library https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=77514&oldid=76709

Loqi A personal library is an online collection of books that reflects either physical or digital items one owns, wants to acquire, has bookmarked to read, is currently reading, or read in the past https://indieweb.org/personal_library

tracydurnell[d] I haven't, but now I will ๐

tracydurnell[d] apparently I added myself so I guess I have ๐

tracydurnell[d] but probably more to look at ๐

[chrisaldrich] I thought that article looked familiar: https://boffosocko.com/2019/04/20/extraordinary-500-year-old-library-catalogue-reveals-books-lost-to-time-the-guardian/ ๐

tracydurnell[d] that could be interesting to look back and see how many articles you read from different sources, or different authors

[chrisaldrich] tracydurnell, quite often archaeologists will find long forgotten or missing texts hiding in old genizah. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genizah. This is sort of reminiscent to searching my unpublished posts and finding hidden gems that I hadn't quite finished and probably should have just published in the first place.

tracydurnell[d] ha! I know that feeling

[chrisaldrich] My read posts have a field for the publisher which gets picked up if it's marked up on the page or if I manually add it. I haven't gotten around to indexing them for search or display like that yet, but I often do bulk searches on the entire back end to pull up things like that example, which looked very familiar to me.

[chrisaldrich] Similarly I do those types of searches for the author(s), but frequently those aren't marked up and I less frequently add those manually. It would be quite nice to do annual aggregation work to see which sources I'm reading most frequently.

[chrisaldrich] What is year in review?

Loqi Year in Review is a feature on some silos (like Facebook) as well as being a special kind of article on some IndieWeb sites that summarizes important aspects of the past year https://indieweb.org/year_in_review

jonnybarnes joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] tracydurnell, on the topic of categories/tags, I recently added a public index to my site of all my categories and tags: https://boffosocko.com/2021/09/04/an-index-for-my-digital-commonplace-book/. It's a bit easier than using the older admin view and I'm using it more than I initially expected.

[chrisaldrich] what is an index

Loqi An index is an organized list of information on a personal website potentially consisting of tags/categories, articles, locations, authors or related information to make it easier to find particular content on a site https://indieweb.org/index

schmudde joined the channel
capjamesg[d] "I've now got something that even John Locke could be jealous of." [chrisaldrich] ๐

capjamesg[d] [chrisaldrich] did you get a webmention from me today?

[chrisaldrich] I did thanks and sent you one back.

nertzy_ joined the channel
capjamesg[d] "pokes" are good Webmention conversation starters ๐

capjamesg[d] For everyone else: https://jamesg.blog/webmentions/2021-10-19-351

capjamesg[d] I had to manually write the poke-of markup in there haha.

capjamesg[d] Unsurprisingly, my Micropub client does not support poking.

capjamesg[d] But how will I ever keep tallies of pokes?

capjamesg[d] ๐

capjamesg[d] I do track response types in my webmention receiver on a /statistics page ^

capjamesg[d] I could bring back pokes and make them cool again.

[chrisaldrich] Having a consuming use case is the first step on the path for justifying mark up... but until then it's a useless appendage.

jonnybarnes joined the channel
capjamesg[d] I have not yet received a poke so I can't show it on my statistics page.

[chrisaldrich] Did mine not show up in response to yours?

capjamesg[d] Oh it did!

capjamesg[d] I wonder why it's not on my stats page.

[chrisaldrich] I also marked mine up as a reply so that there'd be a fallback since I didn't expect you to support the poke-of.

capjamesg[d] Ah, my endpoint picked it up as a reply.

capjamesg[d] I'll need to add a special case for pokes.

[chrisaldrich] Some sites don't support /read, /watch, /listen, et al, but often some sites that don't explicitly support them will treat the as bookmarks or plain mentions.

capjamesg[d] My endpoint now supports pokes.

capjamesg[d] Yay!

capjamesg[d] Thanks [chrisaldrich] for your poke!

capjamesg[d] [chrisaldrich]++

[chrisaldrich] My sarcasm all those years ago has now gone off the rails... capjamesg++

[chrisaldrich] what are rejaci?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "rejaci" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "rejaci is ____", a sentence describing the term)

capjamesg[d] [tantek] No, I just support u-poke-of ๐

[chrisaldrich] what are reacji

Loqi reacji is an emoji reaction, the use of a single emoji character in response to a post, introduced as a feature by Slack[1] https://indieweb.org/reacji

capjamesg[d] Oh that would be cool!

[chrisaldrich] I know there's support for reacji within the WordPress plugin set up, but I don't think I've received any since Facebook backfeed died.

[chrisaldrich] If you so support it capjamesg, you'll be able to send/receive โ. ๐

[chrisaldrich] s/so/do

capjamesg[d] Can someone send me a reacji please?

tracydurnell[d] I'll admit using the reacji are one of my favorite things about discord, and did not occur to me to use on my website at all ๐

tracydurnell[d] @chrisaldrich I like the index! I wonder if you might split into three columns because of how long it is ๐

tracydurnell[d] ๐ it does sound joyous!

tracydurnell[d] sometimes I have a hard time shifting thinking between contexts, pulling something I like from one thing into another

tracydurnell[d] IndieWeb is good practice in rethinking!

tracydurnell[d] nice!

capjamesg[d] I am going to add reacji support to my blog, tomorrow maybe.

capjamesg[d] I love the idea! tantek++ for sharing the docs.

capjamesg[d] Iโll also have to send a Yo sometime.

capjamesg[d] We spoke about the Yo app and I think I said something about sending one.

Loqi Yo is a mobile app for sending your contacts the text "Yo" https://indieweb.org/Yo

gRegor Might have finally died, can't reach https://www.justyo.co/

capjamesg[d] [tantek] Iโll send one to you tomorrow.

gRegor Company shut down in 2016 and app was on "autopilot" according to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yo_(app)

capjamesg[d] Iโll update the definition too tomorrow.

[tantek] capjamesg[d], unfortunately I don't display reacjis on my posts yet ๐ข it's captured as part of this to-do: https://indieweb.org/Falcon#Display_Likes_Reposts

[schmarty] joined the channel
[tantek] hmm, not a lot of folks displaying reacjis received on their posts yet: https://indieweb.org/reacji#IndieWeb_Examples

capjamesg[d] Wow. You have so many ideas to implement haha.

capjamesg[d] My biggest itch is figuring out date-based archive pages.

capjamesg[d] I use Jekyll so Iโll have to be careful. Maybe just month and year pages would be appropriate.

capjamesg[d] Iโll add myself as an example on /reacjis whenever I implement them.

capjamesg[d] Iโll stop Loqi, I promise.

capjamesg[d] What is an archive page?

Loqi archive in the context of the indieweb refers to date-grouped (often monthly) sets of posts (AKA personal historical archives, a common form of temporal navigation), but can sometimes mean archival copy, a copy of a web page made (often by someone other than the author) at a particular point in time https://indieweb.org/archive_page

capjamesg[d] In all seriousness, I think Yo / poke might be a good way to stir up a conversation, if only about its origin.

[tantek] while updating /Yo can you also make sure it has an entry in /site-deaths ?

capjamesg[d] Yep!

jjuran, Moosadee and tetov-irc joined the channel
[tantek] capjamesg[d], when you're implementing receiving & displaying reacji on your posts, please take notes on what was not obvious and what could be clearer on https://indieweb.org/reacji#How_to_receive_and_display_reacjis

AaronGustafson, Seirdy, raucao, omz13 and btrem joined the channel; btrem left the channel