[chrisaldrich]Has anyone checked out Remark.as? Looks like its in the Write.as family, but for commenting. They've released a newsletter/blog feature that allows private replies via email which might be an interesting UI pattern/example for private posts/conversations: https://blog.remark.as/introducing-private-letters
[tantek]hey here's an IndieWeb related question regarding that Atlantic article, does anyone *** out curse words on their blogs? Or have their tools auto-* them out? E.g. "f[*]cking sh[*]t ton" in The Atlantic article
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "safe mode" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "safe mode is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[tantek]That Atlantic article tho. I can't decide how much social media creates new (amplified) harm vs how much it's a honeypot for exposing antisocial folks that are easily riled up?
[tantek]I mean just search that Atlantic article for "selfie", like the whole social media trend/pressure to "perform" somehow expanded to folks incriminating themselves by *broadcasting* that they’re doing really dumb & illegal things?
[schmarty], blahblah441_, _inky and System[d] joined the channel
[tantek]also would be cool to have your publishing systems automatically [*] out a splatlist of words for the unlogged in public (search engines 😛) and then maybe maybe make it an opt-in thing to unblur if folks signed-in with IndieAuth
[chrisbergr]I'm working on something that scans the content for certain words (smoking, drinking) and, if existing, hides the content behind a "Show anyway" button. Like some services do with NSFW or violence, just for old content of mine, which I don't stand behind anymore, but which should remain as a memory.
[tantek]feels more like curating your archives / default presentation thereof, rather than something in the present. also an interesting problem, feels a little different though. In such cases, I wonder if displaying the "alt" text as the default instead of the image would work
[chrisbergr]But I am also about texts. e.g. I have a PESOS post from 2011 when I landed in Frankfurt coming from China. I wrote that I want to smoke 2-3 packs of cigarettes at a time. That was my feeling back then, and also the final post of my trip. I could delete, or comment accordingly and hide.
[jacky]random p3k service question: if I wanted to "preview" a post before publishing it, the convention expected by Quill is for me to put it into a "draft" mode? Like `post-status=draft`?