#indieweb 2021-10-26
2021-10-26 UTC
nertzy, edburns[d], kimberlyhirsh[d], nertzy_ and jeremycherfas joined the channel
[tantek] wow this is an amazing analysis and set of insights regarding /publics and /audiences https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2021/10/fix-facebook-making-it-more-like-google/620456/

nertzy and [fluffy] joined the channel
neocow joined the channel
sayanarijit[d] and hendursa1 joined the channel
[KevinMarks] The flickr default options of friends/family/everyone was a good first pass without as much maintenance as circles

hendursa1, schmudde, tetov-irc, n8chz1, n8chz, _inky, [grantcodes]1, justHaunt and hendursaga joined the channel
schmudde joined the channel
[tantek] if anyone has a .as domain, add yourself: https://indieweb.org/ccTLD#as

neonace Does anyone remember the name of those old services where people could comment directly on sites. They were 3rd party, like, the site owner didn't even need to be aware people were using them?
[KevinMarks] there is one every few years

delirium joined the channel
[KevinMarks] genius, hypothesis, google sidewiki

neonace OK, yeah, I remember them from long long ago. Thanks
[KevinMarks] there are older ones, let me think

Loqi Annotations are comments (including marginalia), highlights or any other interactions that add to (part of) a post, typically added by individuals other than the author https://indieweb.org/annotation

[KevinMarks] third voice was the one I was trying to remember https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_Voice

[tantek] [KevinMarks] can you add Third Voice to /annotation?

neonace Thanks for the link, tantek. Also, that Third Voice service rings all of the bells for me.
[chrisaldrich] That /annotation page has a link to a google spreadsheet with several dozen services neonace.

[chrisaldrich] On the bl**ping out one's (others') work, I seem to recall someone adding a filter to their comments to create cLOwN cAsE in comic sans that is a similar UI pattern.

[chrisaldrich] personal-domain << https://domain.garden/, a search tool maintained by [https://peterhagen.dev/ Peter Hagen], for aid in coming up with clever domain names with pricing and links to multiple providers

Loqi ok, I added "https://domain.garden/, a search tool maintained by [https://peterhagen.dev/ Peter Hagen], for aid in coming up with clever domain names with pricing and links to multiple providers" to the "See Also" section of /personal-domain https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=77607&oldid=76007

_inky joined the channel
[jacky], [chrisbergr], schmudde, sennomo and shoesNsocks joined the channel
capjamesg[d] I am reading this: https://invisibleup.com/articles/31/

capjamesg[d] I’d recommend reading it too.

capjamesg[d] It’s a long piece and I am not done yet but I have been so impressed thus far.

capjamesg[d] I found it on the wiki 😉

[tantek] More on the topic of "maybe not broadcast by default": https://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/15/magazine/how-one-stupid-tweet-ruined-justine-saccos-life.html

capjamesg[d] Is it worth joining Mastodon?

capjamesg[d] I realise that is an open ended question. It has been on my mind a few days and seeing as how some people here use it I thought I’d ask.

capjamesg[d] What is mastodon?

Loqi Mastodon is an open source social network project that supports some IndieWeb building blocks like microformats2 & rel-me, and has a federation of many instances, including https://indieweb.social/ for IndieWeb fans https://indieweb.org/Mastodon

aaronpk (internet archive link for that post which is not paywalled https://web.archive.org/web/20210217191136/https://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/15/magazine/how-one-stupid-tweet-ruined-justine-saccos-life.html

capjamesg[d] Indeed! I think Bridgy Fed was what made me think more about Mastodon.

capjamesg[d] I thought ActivityPub was difficult to implement.

capjamesg[d] Eek. Very true.

[tantek] the differing audiences/publics thing also has a sad/unfortunate example in the article re:"the dongle joke" which was clearly meant as hyperlocal (couple of people at a conference), was overheard, and then broadcast by a third party. end result was misery for both the person making the joke and the broadcaster (including losing their jobs).

[tantek] another suggestion for post authoring tools, detect when you’re about to post something publicly (and likely POSSE tweet) minutes before you get on a (long) flight, and ask if you’re sure you want to post that before the flight, or save it as a draft and queue it up for posting after you land?

[chrisaldrich] some context for these sorts of publics conversations: https://www.vox.com/2018/7/6/17537656/plane-bae-privacy-explained

[chrisaldrich] I wasn't sure how tO dEsCRibE tHIs SoRT of THinG, and clown case seemed apt. I'll figure out where I saw the example eventually...

[chrisaldrich] Here it is: https://www.zachleat.com/web/snarky/ and Zach used the word "clown" in his post as well... 🙂 🤡

[chrisaldrich] makes me wonder if eleventy has an A.P.I. for the snark detection?

tetov-irc and angelo joined the channel
[tantek] Facebook << Criticism: 2021-10-22 NBC News: [https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/facebook-knew-radicalized-users-rcna3581 ‘Carol’s Journey’: What Facebook knew about how it radicalized users] / Internal documents suggest Facebook has long known its algorithms and recommendation systems push some users to extremes.

Loqi ok, I added "Criticism: 2021-10-22 NBC News: [https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/facebook-knew-radicalized-users-rcna3581 ‘Carol’s Journey’: What Facebook knew about how it radicalized users] / Internal documents suggest Facebook has long known its algorithms and recommendation systems push some users to extremes." to the "See Also" section of /Facebook https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=77611&oldid=77596

Loqi ok, I added "^ <blockquote>Though Smith had never expressed interest in conspiracy theories, in just two days Facebook was recommending she join groups dedicated to QAnon […]</blockquote>" to the "See Also" section of /Facebook https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=77612&oldid=77611