edgeduchess[d]more generally, is there any list of every standard a modern website should implement if they want to be connected to the "indie network"?
Loqifederation in the context of the indieweb refers to services and features on indieweb sites that work directly with other indieweb sites peer-to-peer, without having to setup or create accounts in both places, and without being bottlenecked by any kind of centralized service or silo https://indieweb.org/fediverse
[tantek]no worries and welcome! since they can get very technical very quickly, feel free to ask any clarifying or follow-up questions on those topics in #indieweb-dev
[chrisaldrich]^ That reminds me that we should have started some sort of "hello world" like statement for testing sending your first public POSSE post to test webmentions. Something more /fun than the dozens and dozens of "I'm testing webmentions" posts we see on Twitter. Ideas?