capjamesg[d]" Its basic point is summarised in one of Paul’s characteristic bits of aphoristic wisdom: “In general, when I hear the phrase ‘There’s an app for that’, my first question is: ‘Does there need to be?’”
tracydurnell[d]That Guardian article had a bit on periods that reminded me of pro-Internet linguist Gretchen McCulloch's book "Because Internet" - would recommend to anyone interested in how the internet has changed writing and communication styles and doesn't think it's a bad thing 😉
tracydurnell[d](also she can feel however she wants about tablets but I consider my Kindle an accessibility device for controlling type display so I can read without glasses, and helping stay focused on what I'm reading)
LoqiLongevity is the goal of keeping your data as future-friendly and future-proof as possible; it is one of the indieweb principles
LoqiGamification is applying the principles of game design to other software - originally focused on usability, it has become a byword for dark patterns exploiting intermittent reinforcement and leader boards