capjamesg[d]"Facebook should have lost the right to make its own choices. A regulator should be there giving pre-approval for everything they do. The amount of harm they've done is incalculable."
schmudde, KartikPrabhu, [jacky], Yome, n8chz, sayanarijit[d], hendursaga, capablecable[d], kimberlyhirsh[d], krjst, barryf[d], gRegor, daiyi[d] and _inky joined the channel
daiyi[d]what's on my mind lately: last year I wrote a little lambda function (my site is static) that added commenting functionality to my blog. It basically made a pull request to my blog repository with the comment, super simple. the problem is that I got a lot of spam! I wanted to barrier to entry to be lower than auth, since I wanted to actually get comments, but I have to do so much spam control that it got overwhelming
daiyi[d]I'm curious if anyone has run into this problem and has ideas on anti-spam measures. it's possible that in the end some kind of auth is necessary, but that seems too expensive for just wanting to receive nice notes on my blog posts (:
schmudde, tetov-irc and [snarfed] joined the channel