#indieweb 2021-11-05

2021-11-05 UTC
haha yeah spam does feel like a staple of reality. I has been a really long time since I looked at webmention, so perhaps I should give it another chance (:
I bet some aspects are nicer now that cloud functions are popular. my issue with all backend-required features was that my site was always static and I didn't want to run a persistent backend server (why that was, I'm not sure xD )
n8chz, gzj, KartikPrabhu, Dystopia- and nertzy_ joined the channel
Someone has apparently built an alternative interface for medium.com: https://scribe.rip/
strugee, alex11, Seirdy, hendursa1, [jgmac1106]1, IWSlackGateway, IWSlackGateway4, [tantek]1, moose333, _inky, [Paul_Walk], schmudde, tetov-irc, capablecable[d], kimberlyhirsh[d], ralismark[d], sayanarijit[d], _hepphepp[d], System[d], indieweb-irc-bri, tracydurnell[d], Zegnat[d], marksuth[d], daiyi[d], P1000[d], shoesNsocks, zwro[m], [jacky], [schmarty], joshproehl, [tw2113_Slack_] and vroman joined the channel
Wow. That’s devotion.
vtvg, _inky, KartikPrabhu, jamietanna, gxt and Seb[d] joined the channel; sontaran[m] left the channel
Sounds like Drew needs to update his blogpost, now that an alternative Medium front-end exists. https://drewdevault.com/2021/09/23/Nitter-and-other-internet-reclamation-projects.html
Do you think that this Medium alternative will last long? Medium loses a lot of money because of this, they will surely stop this quickly.
Maybe? The Twitter ones are definitely still around and I sometimes use those.
Yeah, it's just a thought. I mean, on Twitter it's just ads, but on Medium they sell paid subscriptions. We will see...
[chrisbergr] out of curiousity, do you actually know that they lose a lot of money to this? I'd guess something like .01% of Medium's page views come through this thing
_wackycity[d] joined the channel
Okay, I still need to work on my communication skills. Of course, I don't know how much Medium loses. I don't know how many people are using this alternative. Certainly not that many.
Medium can lose money as a result, and as a business, they can't let that happen.
That's my thought.
jmtd, Saphire, astralbijection[, mackeveli_, benatkin and nsh joined the channel
Heh, no worries! In practice - having seen this on the inside multiple places - bigger co's like Medium have tons of tiny unusual usage or misuses like this, and fighting them takes time and effort, so they generally don't care or prioritize any given misuse until it gets big enough to matter
(I'm also familiar with it on the other side with Bridgy and other related tools I've built)
reed, LaBcasse[m] and diegov joined the channel
[snarfed] is an expert misuser
that's going on my tombstone
EvanBoehs[m] joined the channel
Don't we all use Bridgy more or less? So we are all misusers. I'd call [snarfed] the godfather of misuse because he gives us the opportunity.
When I see Apple suing the small cafe owner here in a tiny town in Germany because of a logo that doesn't even come close to resembling Apple's, I trust the big companies with anything.
Tommi[m], MatrixTravelerbo, jeremycherfas and daiyi[d] joined the channel
speaking of which, oof, aaronpk you evidently aren't the only one who lost an Instagram account to the Bridgy browser extension 😦 https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/bridgy/reviews/1772535/
not sure what to do here. it's all part of the arms race. I could try to throttle even more aggressively, but that's just engaging in the arms race, and I'll still lose eventually. I could reply and say "my account's still fine 🀷" but that's obviously not helpful. I could add a loud warning to the browser extension install. hrm
i think part of my problem was that i installed it in chrome so it synced to all my computers, so it was multiple different IP addresses hammering it all the time
Seirdy and tetov-irc joined the channel