#indieweb 2021-11-06

2021-11-06 UTC
gRegor joined the channel
whoa, IG closed your account?
lol Instagram is already updated to say "Instagram from Meta" on the loading screen
sp1ff joined the channel
I got a recruiter today emailing me about "an exciting position at Meta"
yeah, same reaction
they were like "I see many of my colleagues have tried to contact you throughout the years, but maybe now--"
"Maybe now thate we're Meta.."
I know, if you're not up with the latest news you could totally fall for it
feoh joined the channel
Good point.
I'd probably overlook a new company called "Meta" because the name is so uninspired.
n8chz and rvalue joined the channel
On the overlay topic from earlier, there's also the example of Wikiwand for Wikipedia. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Tools/Alternative_browsing
hans1963[d], gRegor, voxpelli, anarchivist, qa6, willnorris, chenghiz_, jmac and Jad joined the channel
[snarfed] that’s a tough one.
I think a disclaimer is needed.
Instagram means a lot to me and presumably others who want to syndicate likes to their site.
I love the browser extension but everyone should weigh the costs and benefits of using it themselves.
hendursaga, nertzy__, nertzy_, _inky, Oclair, rvalue, tetov-irc, [fluffy], edburns[d] and nsh joined the channel
thanks! agreed
unrelated, heads up all, I'm planning to start garbage collecting old responses in Bridgy. it currently has 25M, and that storage is ~40% of its cost. I'm planning to regularly delete responses over a year old
(I'd still keep them all! just not in the expensive online storage)
may I ask how much raw storage that takes? I'm just curious.
sure! Bridgy's total db is 105G, and the responses are 90G
hendursaga joined the channel
we could always come up with cheaper storage solutions if that was the only problem. the bigger motivation is, I don't intend Bridgy to be a permanent data storage service (like eg webmention.io). this is one way to demonstrate that.
Jad, Jad_, johs1, barryf[d] and vegard joined the channel; vegard left the channel
does anyone know of a micropub client that supports uploading photos? bonus points for uploading multiple photos.
I could not get Sunlit configured for my blog even though i've been able to post to my blog from other clients 😔
I believe quill.p3k.io does, and both within the Micropub request as well as if you have a separate media endpoint.
the Indigenous app for iOS and Android also support (multi)photo uploads, i believe.
hendursaga, _inky, kimberlyhirsh[d] and jamietanna1 joined the channel
Jamie Tanna
Seirdy and tetov-irc joined the channel