#indieweb 2021-11-07

2021-11-07 UTC
Seb[d]: I couldn't figure uploading photos on quill it out. the "photo" field was a text field πŸ˜… I'm assuming they want a url? that's not very usable for my workflow
Jamietanna1: wow the media proxy endpoint is very cool!
alex11 joined the channel
[schmarty]: "Indigenous" is an unfortunate name for an app, it is not very searchable πŸ˜…
oh wait, I was looking in the app store, maybe it's a website?
hm I can't find Indigenous for iOS
what is Indigenous
Indigenous is a set of native apps for iOS, Android currently in beta that supports posting your website using Micropub and a built-in reader that supports Microsub and ActivityPub (Android only) https://indieweb.org/Indigenous
^ links there
woah magic
aw beans, the photos don't show up in the end. time to look at micropub server logs :)
nertzy, alex11, rMdes and rvalue joined the channel
The name is very unfortunate πŸ˜”
maxwelljoslyn[d], danshika42[d], rvalue-, marksuth[d] and hendursa1 joined the channel
Naming things is hard.
justUnited joined the channel
I'm also not a fan of the app name, re-naming indigenous to something that is more inclusive and easier to spell is something on the list.
Nuve and _inky joined the channel
feel free to add suggestions or votes here: https://indieweb.org/Indigenous#Renaming
tetov-irc joined the channel
to quote Jacob Hall on the wiki: "[...] and bring friends into the IndieWeb without needing to explain why the app is called Indigenous."
maybe call it 'IndieWeb' then?
(terrible name I know)
but from an onboarding perspective that works: people just want an app to install.
Oclair, _inky, [KevinMarks], Zegnat, yewscion, [Serena], schmudde and hendursa1 joined the channel
initially perhaps, ultimately people want some *choice* of app(s) to install.
angelo joined the channel
garbage collecting old Bridgy responses is underway, docs are up at https://brid.gy/about#garbage-collecting
[randomperson_24] I think the problem is that social media platforms, especially Twitter downranks your post if it has a link. Therefore, recently people have been writing threads with a link to post at end of thread. The reason simply is that platforms want people t...
That Instagram link thing is so annoying.
Well, it creates demand for linktree etc - places that could be rel=me hubs
which Instagram link thing capjamesg[d]?
Moosadee joined the channel
The fact that they don’t let you link in posts.
I include a link to blog posts in almost every post and you can’t click on them.
They just rolled out the ability to add actual links in stories to everyone now!
aaronpk I saw that! I was wondering if I'd done something "special" to get it
do we have more folks POSSEing to Mastodon, or actually federating to it directly?
I'm trying to come up with six example POSSE destinations to redraw a diagram
or maybe it doesn't matter if federation is a form of "POSSEing"?
I think when it's POSSEing to a separate mastodon/etc acct then it's not really different than any other POSSE
Moosadee and schmudde joined the channel
different POSSE destinations have different levels of automatability (and similarly backfeed)
for Mastodon, my question is whether it is worth distinguishing (user-level? architecturally?) between using e.g. Fed.Bridgy vs "manually" cross-posting to a separate Mastodon account
also backfeed has a broad spectrum too, e.g. the Bridgy browser add-on method for IG backfeed is potentially risky for users getting their accounts locked right?
Moosadee, eliss, hendursaga, n8chz, nertzy, Oclair, kimberlyhirsh[d] and ax1 joined the channel
'people just want an app to install' the problem in one sentence
i have a question, by this model, when you post on your own site, what do you recommend for that platform, wordpress? smol.pub?
I tried to do this manually for two years btw and encountered only harassment and censorship at places like mastadon and twitter
i made my username the link to my site mynamedotnet and encountered no one that even seemed real, much less interested in discusssion. i published four books, to d ate no evidence exists anyone in the world has read even the introduction to one of them
so if i host my own site on my own server and my own domain, that costs about $150 a year, do wordpress plugins exist that will distribute what I post there?
ax1: Yes
Of course, can't stop harassment
That's out of control of a website
i expect harassment, it is the 100% bullshit 0% actual human interaction that is the problem
there is a crisis of moderation though where on the most famous sites, the primary method of enforcement and control is through moderation bias
moderators break the rules and are allowed to in order to disincentivise those who go against hive thinking from bothering to post, and dissuade the herd from thinking along similar lines
Can't speak to that. I'm not really on those platforms.
i encountered it at around 20 platforms, i got exhausted trying new platforms
what platforms do you recommend?
im reading articles now on medium and twitter posse application
i like the site and inspiration, it's needed, so im glad to see people building these tools and generally positive. like with many things, the propaganda is so intense, any 'indie' approach that is not co-opted, feels almost comicall futile. its still worth doing
the nth attempt to create a media strategy as an independent creator though lacks the enthusiasm of the n-10th attempt
The Indieweb is my platform
i applaud your work, it may give me a reason to try my n+1 attempt, keep it up
lagash and nertzy joined the channel
I don't know what topics you write about. Even here among the IndieWeb people, the discussions are mostly internet or technology oriented. Of course, no matter what platform you use, you need an audience to have proper discussions.
tetov-irc, Moosadee and apophys joined the channel