#indieweb 2021-11-08

2021-11-08 UTC
Moosadee, Seirdy, aranjedeath, jmac, qa6_, anarchivist, chenghiz_, voxpelli, jeremycherfas, jeremy, KartikPrabhu, alex11, nertzy, willnorris, Allie, peterrother, qa6, Murray[d], push-f, walkah[m], samwilson, zwro[m], rrix, neocow, chee, Bitweasil, nekr0z, Lohn, Phil[m], ranuzz, gxt and nertzy_ joined the channel
anyone here maintaining a personal using Hugo ? how much time did it take to indiewebify (https://indiewebify.me) your site ? any tips or suggestion for automation . thanks
_inky joined the channel
ranuzz: Well, my site is in Hugo. And it didn't take that much time to indiewebify it, but I had to make my hands dirty and edit the templates quite extensively.
ranuzz: Also, there is an awesome (albeit a bit old) article by Amit Gawande: https://www.amitgawande.com/2018/02/10/204300.html
And I highly recommend looking at seirdy's website at seirdy.one - it is very minimalistic, and all the templates are available from the git repo; basically, a good example of how to make a minimalistic Hugo IndieWeb site.
hey nekr0z: we try to keep dev talk (templates) out of this channel, can you move to #indieweb-dev?
[Amit Gawande] IndieWebify Your Hugo Website
petermolnar, ranuzz, alex11, tetov-irc, schmudde, joshproehl, yewscion, sayanarijit[d], nertzy, Ramon[d], Moosadee, squarepants, romangeeko, fcser and barryf[d] joined the channel
nekr0z: <3
[jacky], squarepants, maxwelljoslyn[d], _inky, Seirdy and [Jeff] joined the channel
hey all, I read about indieweb and POSSE on hacker news yesterday. I love the initiative, and it matches a lot of my ideas about the web. it feels like many of the challenges around POSSE come from the fact that the corporate web controls so much of the traffic and "discovery". has there ever been discussion of creating an indieweb referrer network, like Adsense for indie pages but instead of for money, it's traffic exchange?
like at the bottom of a tutorial about microblogs, there's a small "ad block" that dynamically recommends articles on other parts of the indieweb that are tutorials, or other articles about microblogs, and this ad rotates its recommendations based on traffic driven from those sources (so pages that outbound more traffic get more inbound traffic)
that's a cool idea, kind of like a webring with additional smarts
or maybe in more modern terms, an indie ad network :D
In the prehistoric internet, we exchanged banners with eachother sometimes to do something similar.
yeah exactly, I think there should be a long-term plan to take discovery back from the corporate web, otherwise the corporate web can easily put up higher walls (they can prevent POSSE just by changing their terms, or by promoting their own content even more strongly)
what was technorati?
Technorati was a real-time blog search engine that provided date-ordered results for text phrases or links, typically within seconds of when people published on their blogs https://indieweb.org/Technorati
yeah discovery is definitely a challenge! it's always useful to try new things!
right, like a webring but this would be automated and try to find content relevance rather than links to friend's pages, and give newer indie sites some small exposure on other indie sites
there's some people making independent webrings these days
(which is to say, i think it's something people might like to do)\
[edit] (which is to say, i think it's something people might like to have)
it could be something really easy with the indie web. like you just add 1 line of html to the bottom of your page, and your page is automatically included in this network
That's more or less what a webring is - I'm all in favour of boosting discovery, but this is describing webrings so far.
a webring is usually an arrow linking out to a random or next site in the ring, this is more topical
it actually wouldn't take much to add something like this to news.indieweb.org and https://indieweb.xyz/en since those are already topical webring-like things
like if you syndicate a post to indienews, it could give you an embed code to show other posts from indienews in a footer. you wouldn't syndicate every post there of course, so it'd stay topical to the individual post
and since indieweb.xyz is built around tags, there's a huge opportunity for topical discovery there too
↩️ I don't see the relation to webrings. this is more like adsense
(fyi slack threads don't translate to the other gateways)
what is indiewebring?
Indiewebring is part of the great rebirth of of webrings powered by #IndieWeb technology that made 2018 the year of the webring and not the year of the microsub reader https://indieweb.org/indiewebring
webrings are more about the site as a whole rather than per post which is what I'm hearing you describe [Jeff]
but other than that they are very similar, you join one by embedding some html in the site and then you're part of that network
from what I'm seeing, webrings show "next page" and "previous page" links, whereas this is dynamically generated, and shows up as an ad block like "Other related pages:<br>Tips and Tools for Improving your Remote Meetings and Presentations on a Budget [aaronparecki.com]<br>Camera Use is Tiring [example.com]<br>..."
yes that is what i meant by "webring with additional smarts" :)
fair enough, I still think it's more like adsense than a webring
Sounds interesting
adds this to his indiewebcamp project list for thursday
[Jeff] we did do this at Technorati, yes we had a 'related links' widget
maybe indieweb search could provide something like that
Hopefully this won't be anything like those unethical links at the end of click-bait posts that swallow you up in a network that you never find your way out of as a visitor 🙂
tetov-irc joined the channel