#indieweb 2021-11-09

2021-11-09 UTC
Darius_Dunlap[d] and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
yeah, well if this is starting fresh, there's a good opportunity to make it right. and since it's indieweb, people can remove the widget if they find it's not so relevant for their page
alex11, eliss1, [jacky], _inky, neocow, anarchivist, voxpelli, joshproehl, aranjedeath, Oclair, ranuzz, jeremycherfas, jeremy, feoh, timdream and squarepants joined the channel
[Jeff] drewdevault.com has a project called OpenRing where he shares blog articles by some other bloggers he likes. I'd recommend taking a look at that! It's not exactly what you described. I like your idea!
Re: discovery. I'd recommend reading this page:
What is discovery?
Discovery is a variety of methods for finding content, websites, communities, or people to follow on the web including search, directories, recommendation engines, tags, or other serendipitous methods https://indieweb.org/discovery
Good point [KevinMarks
*] I have not thought about that.
I did think about adding a "Other bloggers who write about this topic" widget so you could find other *blogs* that may write about, say, "coffee," rather than just web pages.
Interests would be determined using h-cards.
[Jeff] Plugging my own work but here's IndieWeb Search: https://indieweb-search.jamesg.blog. It's still very much a work in progress.
Yes you could do “see other people with shared interest(s)” (eg tags/categories on their profile), or the same per post (tags/categories on the entry)
[chrisaldrich] and blahblah441 joined the channel
The original rel=tag model was designed to link to a page that showed related posts - a technorati page we offered or a local page on the same site. The hope was that the technorati page would be good enough for people to choose it. Of course that now means there are a lot of links out there to the now zombie tag pages at technorati.com
Lessons learned right [KevinMarks] ? Good thing we also recommended Wikipedia as a tag link destination
hans1963[d] joined the channel
The trouble with the recommendation engine is that it either has to determine the topic from the text, or it needs a taxonomy system. Either way it is disturbingly easy to cheat most of these systems, which is what lead to modern search engines - see altavista and trusting the meta description.
Anyway, I'd love to help, but I'm also not too dreamy about it.
tetov-irc, schmudde and _inky joined the channel
You’re right about the skepticism for meta keywords and altavista getting trivially spammed.
The use of *visible* tag links in Technorati helped a lot with that. Didn’t eliminate it but it was much better
Similarly Google improved on Altavista with indexing visible words and hyperlinks
visible words *in* hyperlinks
Sadale, onf, KartikPrabhu, rockorager, ben_thatmustbeme and ranuzz joined the channel
n8chz joined the channel
schmudde, _inky and shoesNsocks joined the channel
↩️ cool, thank you! yeah having a centralized crawl of the pages seems like a great milestone
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
IndieWeb Search pages are all marked up as h-feeds so they can be easily consumed. And every search results page has an API wrapper with a bit more detail.
ranuzz, [jeremycherfas]1, daiyi[d]_, _indieweb-irc-br, _System[d], _hepphepp[d], rMdes9, timdream_, chenghiz__, Bitweasil-, vroman_, alex11, n8chz1, timdream and gRegor joined the channel
capjamesg[d], I guess your link is no longer up to date https://indieweb.org/search#capjamesg
mdemo, n8chz, _inky, edburns[d] and tetov-irc joined the channel