#indieweb 2021-11-13

2021-11-13 UTC
mdemo, Seirdy and Sadale joined the channel
Added a new feature to my website. A location map. Already had a map view for dates and such. Just a bit of URL magic.
GWG: neat! gg
Here's the Map view for Portland Oregon https://david.shanske.com/map/location/us/or/portland/
that's fun, you could get some image map magic in there to correlate those red dots to those articles
really good stuff
bneil: Perhaps in future.
woah, i just changed the url to /us/, thats fun. jet setter
really fun project 👍
bneil: try /location. There is a list
It's auto-generated when I post something
I have to garden sometimes though
heh, i have the same issue with digital gardens.. its hard to remember to write notes and whatnot while actually implementing things
Well, I spent a lot of time a few months ago tweaking to get it to work automatically most of the time.
gotcha, is very cool. Would be neat to have a globe on the /location page. Then you could have all countries you've posted from highlighted
Timur1 joined the channel
bneil: I figured that image clicking could be a future feature.
There's a lot of visual stuff I thought about doing.
I keep adding these hidden urls to my site
Hi there! I'm Timur, chief-editor in skillbox.ru/media/code. We publish articles about programming and developers. I want to do a big interview with Russian members of Indie Web. Could you give me their contacts or send them my contacts? And I also want to record podcast with them. I apologize if I violated the chat rules, I just could not find contacts.
GWG: great approach. iterate, iterate, iterate
bneil: Always too much to do
GWG: i hear that
jeremycherfas, nertzy__, sebsel, peterrother, chenghiz_, _inky, gxt and tetov-irc joined the channel
Hi @timur1 - we don't keep track of people's locations apart from what they share about themselves here https://indieweb.org/chat-names but you may be able to find people via https://indieweb.org/Main_Page-ru and edits there or through https://indieweb.org/User:Marinintim.com who organised a Homebrew Website Club in St Petersburg
johs1 and _inky joined the channel
Anyone understand what this Twitter service / bot is doing? https://twitter.com/micshasan/status/1459313804915867655
“Highlight this”? Does that just mean create another permalink? Or is “briefly” an aggregator?
sounds like the latter: https://briefly.co/about
n8chz, shoesNsocks, [fluffy], [KevinMarks], aranjedeath, edburns[d], _inky, jamietanna, n8chz1 and nertzy joined the channel
GWG, those location maps on your site are great! Just a hint: If you're on a location index, the link "Map" below the headline does not have the right path. See https://david.shanske.com/location/de/ for example
gxt and johs1 joined the channel
It's hard coded, so I need to fix it in the theme
johs1 and doosboox7 joined the channel
Sounds like some good helper functions though
tetov-irc joined the channel