#indieweb 2021-11-16

2021-11-16 UTC
rvalue, [snarfed], sennomo and Agnessa[d] joined the channel
Swarm pesos hasn't been working for me, will have to see why
wackycity[d] joined the channel
GWG, I noticed on Sunday that while the checkin itself came to my page as a new post, there were no webmentions from those Coins comments. Thought I did something wrong...
Mine was disabled in the Own Your Swarm UI. Reenabled
Oh. Yes, the settings I once made are reset for some reason.
Thanks for the tip
jgee and maxwelljoslyn[d] joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "I love my website" https://jamesg.blog/2021/11/16/i-love-my-website
sm2n_, hans1963[d] and schmudde joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Showing incorrect IndieAuth redirect_uri to the user" https://seblog.nl/2021/11/16/1/incorrect-indieauth-redirect-uri-ux
grantcodes[d], schmudde, _inky, Darius_Dunlap[d], tetov-irc, Matt2, Matt3, [snarfed]1, yewscion and [grantcodes] joined the channel
Interesting way to make a website by uploading photos of a notebook https://paperwebsite.com
I can't tell if it's a satire or serious
[Paul_Walk] joined the channel
Is there an appropriate channel for asking "newbie" questions? I have used the https://indiewebify.me/validate-rel-me service and got an unexpected result...
I wonder if they really solved the handwriting OCR and how many languages they support of they did...
[Paul_Walk] #indieweb-dev may be more appropriate, but that depends on the level of technicality your question has. You aren't likely to be banned from here for asking anyway, so go ahead and ask ;)
Thanks! Not a very technical question I think - I have set up rel="me" on my homepage, and added the "authn" class to the GitHub link: `rel="me authn"`. I have successfully tested web sign in against the Indieweb wiki, delegating the authentication to GitHub.
This all works perfectly
However the check at:
says that several of the target sites do not "link back" despite my having added my website URL to the appropriate places in the "profiles" on those sites - e.g.:
I can't really see what might be wrong?
[Paul_Walk] the backlinks on those sites are missing `rel="me"`. apologies, we should probably improve that indiewebify message!
rel=me is "synchronous", it should be like that on both websites
some websites - eg github - do it nicely, others - eg twitter - don't. You can't fix these latter, sadly.
Yeah don't worry about it, twitter and other places don't really return real HTML anymore, and often try to prevent automated tools from fetching the pages
Ah - OK - I hadn't misunderstood then! Thanks very much for clarifying :-)
On to microformats.... 🙂
schmudde joined the channel
Crypto's biggest trick has been creating centralized systems run by small cabals of early winners that run on distributed systems, and telling people that "distributed" and "decentralized" are the same.
cadeyrn[d], chrwahl[d], taoetc, P1000[d], _inky, feoh2, [jacky], kimberlyhirsh[d], [jeremycherfas], mikeputnam and tetov-irc joined the channel