#indieweb 2021-11-17
2021-11-17 UTC
taoetc left the channel
[tantek]1 True criticism
Seirdy, nertzy, Matt4, [KevinMarks], [schmarty], [chrisaldrich], [tantek], [jacky], pfefferle, [snarfed], [jeremycherfas], IWSlackGateway, [Paul_Walk], [grantcodes], [chrisbergr], Matt5, [KevinMarks]1, yar, [KevinMarks]2, edburns[d], jgee, willnorris and jbove joined the channel
Loqi [indienews] New post: "Adding dark mode to my static Jekyll site" https://jamesg.blog/2021/11/17/adding-dark-mode

_inky, jbove, inertia, tetov-irc, MarkJR84[d], peterrother, anarchivist, chenghiz_, duncanbeevers, Allie, Agnessa[d], barryf[d], yewscion, jjuran, BigShip, strugee_, GWG, schmudde, Moosadee, n8chz, sayanarijit[d], [tantek]2, [grantcodes], [jacky]1, [chrisaldrich]1, [chrisbergr], Seirdy and HarryCoburn[m] joined the channel
HarryCoburn[m] Morning everyone. Slowly getting up to speed on Indieweb through the wiki. Working on harry.garden throughout the day between writing assignments.
Seb[d] HarryCoburn[m]: welcome!
[tantek]2 welcome HarryCoburn[m]++
capjamesg[d] Welcome!

capjamesg[d] HarryCoburn[m]++

n8chz1 joined the channel
HarryCoburn[m] What is everyone working on today with their sites?
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "everyone working on today with their sites" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "everyone working on today with their sites is ____", a sentence describing the term)

mikeputnam just added rel=me per [Paul_Walk] 's question yesterday!
mikeputnam only Github has a linkback :(
capjamesg[d] I published a blog post about adding dark mode to my site.

capjamesg[d] How about you HarryCoburn[m]?

HarryCoburn[m] I only have Github and email right now. I'm still deciding on how much I want to involve myself with social media.
capjamesg[d] I have GitHub, email, and I think my wiki profile in my rel me values.

mikeputnam i tend to treat social media as an expanded version of my resume or linkedin. cultivate the occasional bit of content in the direction i want to career in. :)
HarryCoburn[m] Design and UX research today, along with some basic information. Working toward Indiemark level 1.
capjamesg[d] Exciting!

capjamesg[d] What is indiemark?

Loqi IndieMark is a set of metrics for measuring the indieweb-ness of a site, and a step-by-step approach to incrementally building IndieWeb features for your site, and as such is currently written for folks who are comfortable with web development (Generation 1 and perhaps some 2) https://indieweb.org/IndieMark

capjamesg[d] Ah, of course! I needed a quick reminder of the levels.

HarryCoburn[m] I'm choosing to handcode my site until I get to a point where I want to do a CMS. I have WordPress experience, but I like the aesthetics of the 90s web I grew up with.
capjamesg[d] Indeed. Don’t build more than you need.

capjamesg[d] (Until you need to 👀)

[chrisaldrich]1 mikeputnam, keep in mind that /rel-me has other uses too. For example services could use it to auto-create user bios and related interfaces like Huffduffer does: https://huffduffer.com/chrisaldrich and services like Brid.gy quietly use it in the background even in cases where services don't necessarily link back.
[chrisaldrich]1 My photo and all the "elsewhere" links on my Huffduffer account ^^ are automatically pulled in from my homepage.
HarryCoburn[m] The page on generations also interests me. Before I did freelance writing I did deskside tech support, so I know some of the challenges of speaking to less-technical people.
mikeputnam there's a special place in my heart for ideas like gravatar.
mikeputnam when onboarding to a new web thingy using my primary mail, i love if the service grabs my gravatar. easy peasy. i would also be onboard with an indie/self-hosted protocol to pull off the same thing.
mikeputnam the trick would be critical mass to the point where other web thingys build support for the indie equivalent
[chrisaldrich]1 That reminds me that when we talk about documentation and options, which there seems to have been quite a bit of as late, we too often forget that freedom of choice is inversely related to complexity. Twitter and Instagram don't give you a lot of choice in what they offer, so the complexity is low. Things are slightly more complex with Facebook because there are more post types and settings. WordPress is even more complex as you
[chrisaldrich]1 have even more freedom and choice.
[chrisaldrich]1 Once we pull things up several more levels to the nearly infinite choices offered by the breadth of IndieWeb the complexity is seemingly insurmountable. We need to acknowledge this (and perhaps even highlight it) when considering how and what we're documenting.
[chrisaldrich]1 Even the research to pull together some resources to begin creating a /documentation page is a rough task to start, so for that: aaronpk++
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[chrisaldrich]1 mikeputnam, many IndieWeb tools do exactly that gravatar sort of pattern using your URL to find your h-card photo. If I recall correctly, my photo avatar in chat shows up because it's pulled via the wiki from my personal website. Similarly for site-to-site responses using webmention notifications.
[chrisaldrich]1 I think we're alright Loqi.
[chrisaldrich]1 gives Loqi a cookie
[chrisaldrich]1 Sometimes I find services are using my email address to pull a Gravatar photo and I wish they wouldn't, or for some the thing is so seamless it can feel a little creepy that the service knows who you are ("they're _watching_ you") with little information and somehow they've found your photo.
capjamesg[d] [chrisaldrich]++ re: docs.

capjamesg[d] Our “documentation” should be action oriented and focused on tasks with plenty of implementations, at least at the beginning.

capjamesg[d] Like setting up webmentions using different stacks.

capjamesg[d] And, indeed, the wiki does a good job at collating lots of articles about IndieWeb tasks like setting up webmentions z

capjamesg[d] mileputnam I believe there is a scope in indieauth that lets an app request your “profile” which includes the photo in your h-card if you provided one.

capjamesg[d] So, feasibly, any IndieWeb service that integrates with a compatible indieauth server could retrieve profile photos as part of the authentication process. So much jargon in that message though.

HarryCoburn[m] * working on documenting how I'm
HarryCoburn[m] I'm slowly working on how I'm building my site. I have some things on buying your first domain.
capjamesg[d] Yep! It’s the “profile” scope. https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/#profile-information

capjamesg[d] Please do share what you document HarryCoburn[m]!

HarryCoburn[m] Very tiny right now. Gotta do the day job writing before the fun writing, but here. http://harry.garden/devblog.html
capjamesg[d] Nice!

HarryCoburn[m] Itches:... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/241b85b9308a011ed120655c71d8cd42cfd67293)
jgee, Moosadee and tetov-irc joined the channel