#digivonityGood morning. Forgive me for not consuming all of the indie web site before asking...
#digivonityI love the idea of an indie web. I'm working on my own right now. Just wondering: any thought on your outreach? Is there a rise in popularity? Is it mailnly participants from US?
#Loqiindie map is a public IndieWeb social graph and dataset, made by Ryan Barrett and launched at IndieWeb Summit 2017 https://indieweb.org/indiemap
#[tantek]2digivonity ^ that may answer some of your questions.
#digivonityThanks [tantek]2. I will study it (looking for spread and diversity)
#capjamesg[d]digivonity We do have members across the world and the number of community members is growing. We have a wiki page on wiki participation but I can't remember what it is called.
#capjamesg[d]It has a table of new registrations by year. That is not the perfect benchmark for popularity but one metric that would be useful.
#capjamesg[d]Can anyone remember what page that table is on?
#[tantek]2the best outreach is using your own website instead of or before social media, so to ask the question in return, digivonity, what kind of response have you gotten when you’ve blogged about the indieweb?
jjuran joined the channel
#digivonityYou're ahead of me [tantek]2: My strong opinion about the corporate web (or Net) brought me here but I haven't expressed my thoughts yet. I'm almost done building my own space.
#digivonityAbout one thing I'm certain: I have no appetite for fighting for any page ranking in any search engine.
#digivonityHi capjamesg[d] thanks for the introduction. I will spend more time learning about indieweb after my working day
#[tantek]2that's a good instinct digivonity. the only page ranking worth fighting for is your own ranking of your pages.
Nuve joined the channel
#digivonityI have enough questions left I suppose but they'll have to wait until after work I'm afraid
#capjamesg[d]digivonity I am excited to see what space you build on the web for yourself!
#capjamesg[d]Quality content > fighting for rankings.
#[chrisbergr]I believe, with various building blocks, clean, semantic code and all the microformats (which also contain the own name again and again) you do a lot for SEO without extra effort.
#[chrisbergr]With the launch of the new site I will also monitor and verify this for me, I am very curious.
#capjamesg[d]Oh indeed! Microformats are still parsed by Google and semantic HTML makes the job of a search engine much easier.
#Loqifriendly reminder [chrisbergr] capjamesg[d], that's a lot of dev jargon! Microformats... can you move to #indieweb-dev?
#capjamesg[d]Cleaner and well-structured HTML means that search engines are less likely to make a mistake indexing your site.
#digivonitySo far I've been reading about the IndieWeb principles, IndieMark and - globally - the standards. It's definitely what I have in mind for myself
walkah[m], rommudoh[m], Abhas[m], benatkin, doubleloop[m], vikanezrimaya, jfkimmes[m], Lohn, samwilson, jryans, MatrixTravelerbo, threewordchant, diegov, mambang[m] and johs1 joined the channel
#[tantek]2were there any of those (principles, IndieMark areas/levels, standards) that particularly resonated with you?
sennomo_ and sennomo__ joined the channel
#digivonityWhat resonated with me: ownership on domain level and beneath - a private space for my profile - connection thru the use of indieweb standards
#digivonityAlso something that raised an eyebrow: the distinction between post and note - i'm not sure i want to make that distinction
#LoqiA note is a post that is typically short unstructured* plain text, written & posted quickly, that has its own permalink page https://indieweb.org/note
#aaronpknot sure what distinction you're referring to
[jacky] joined the channel
#digivonitythe way i understand it: an article is more elaborate, probably better structured using sub-headings
#digivonitymy blog would be a diary containing notes, but some notes will be more elaborate / structured then others
#aaronpkoh, the difference between an article and a note?
#aaronpkan article has a name, a note does not, that's it
#LoqiAn article is a kind of post that typically has more structure than a simple note. Articles usually have a name (title), multiple paragraphs, and often subheadings, blockquotes, embedded images, and a footer of references or citations https://indieweb.org/article
#nekr0zdigivonity: It's OK to think this difference is arbitrary and doesn't matter at all. You don't have to differentiate articles from notes if you don't want to.
#digivonitynekr0z: The IndieMArk made me think I should make that distinction but maybe I should read it again
#digivonityI write manuals as part of my job. I love well structured texts. But it's not at all the way my brain moves. My blog should reflect that.
#stevestrezaIf you add microformats to your site, there might be some tools/apps that don't properly handle an article missing a title, or a note having a bunch of paragraphs. But it's your website first and foremost so do what works for you.
digivonity[m] joined the channel; digivonity[m] left the channel
#nekr0zdigivonity: the IndieMark is actually arbitrary, too ;) The good thing about IndieWeb is that there's nothing you _must_ do. We have a set of protocols, formats and common practices, but it's up to you to decide which ones you want to support on your website, if any.
#digivonityi guess it will take me some time to figure out who to make my site indie according to the principles and meanwhile author content in a non-conformitive way
#[tantek]2it's not *that* arbitrary. IndieMark was based roughly on emergent common patterns among implementations in the 2013-2014 era
#[tantek]2and then some degree of extrapolation for what future levels could be
Moosadee and [jamesg483] joined the channel
#[snarfed]stevestreza types like post/article are implied though, via post type discovery, not explicit, so you couldn't actually have eg an article missing a title, right? since article is just defined as a post without a title
#[snarfed]or, put another way, an article without a title is a note
#LoqiPost Type Discovery specifies an algorithm for consuming code to determine the type of a post by its content properties and their values rather than an explicit “post type” property, thus better matched to modern post creation UIs that allow combining text, media, etc in a variety of ways without burdening users with any notion of what kind of post they are creating https://indieweb.org/post-type-discovery
#[jamesg483][tantek] I wonder how indiemark could be simplified / made clearer. I looked through the wiki page today and there seems to be a lot going on.
#[jamesg483]I think there was some site around with checkboxes at some point.
#[jamesg483]Although the name is presently not coming to mind.
#[tantek]2agreed [jamesg483], I definitely think IndieMark could use a bunch of updating, redesign, and restructuring
#[jamesg483]Hm. I'd actually like to find that site again.
#[jamesg483]I'd love to see a checklist that you could maybe access with indieauth if you wanted (to save options) or not.