2021-11-25 UTC
tetov-irc, yewscion, yewscion42, Moosadee, jjuran, rvalue and kimberlyhirsh[d] joined the channel
Moosadee joined the channel
jfkimmes[m], omz13, rommudoh[m], nertzy__, tetov-irc, Moosadee, schmudde, [schmarty], chenghiz_, rvalue, ranuzz, squarepants and noobranu joined the channel
# jamietanna[m] Interesting, I did see it not working but wondered if it were just my Google Calendar as it's been slow for some of my calendars
# aaronpk it's supposed to do that if you visit it in a browser
jamietanna joined the channel
# aaronpk yes i was trying to say that without using jargon :)
# aaronpk looks like it's working, it's still showing up in my calendar
# [snarfed]1 obligatory, I'm thankful for many things today, but not conneg--
# Loqi conneg has -1 karma in this channel over the last year (-5 in all channels)
nertzy_, schmudde, angelo, Seirdy, edburns[d] and tetov-irc joined the channel