#indieweb 2021-11-30

2021-11-30 UTC
nertzy, jeremycherfas, KartikPrabhu1, KartikPrabhu, Darius_Dunlap[d] and nertzy_ joined the channel
Been saying for a while the blockchains are actually centralized, this write up provides some details how it’s particularly bad centralization:
web3 << transition from SemWeb to cryptocurs/blockchains and how blockchains are worse for lock-in: https://medium.com/@rossstalker_5939/web3-is-not-decentralisation-its-a-ploy-to-put-crypto-bros-in-charge-c791752e2bb6
hey [tantek]1: that's a lot of dev jargon! blockchains, SemWeb, web3... can you move to #indieweb-dev?
ok, I added "transition from SemWeb to cryptocurs/blockchains and how blockchains are worse for lock-in: https://medium.com/@rossstalker_5939/web3-is-not-decentralisation-its-a-ploy-to-put-crypto-bros-in-charge-c791752e2bb6" to the "See Also" section of /Web_3.0 https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=78050&oldid=77837
Seirdy joined the channel
blockchains themselves aren't centralized or decentralized, but the current implementations have mostly moved to centralized authorities
blockchains are centralized in that they are singletons, and dependent on monoculture implementations.
That's a great post
you can have a decentralized monoculture though
the very definition of decentralization allows for a monoculture to exist
other way around, a monoculture project is by definition centralized, including updates to the software etc., thus defeating any attempt at decentralization
if facebook is a clear centralized monoculture, isn't mastodon a decentralized monoculture?
p.s. the very idea being pitched around, that blockchain should have anything to do with the "web" is worrying. "I got a hammer, so I use hammers to fix things"
it would be if it used its own proprietary protocol (like /Tent attempted), however there are several non-Mastodon ActivityPub implementations that interoperate with Mastodon, such as fed.brid.gy and a bunch of IndieWeb sites
hey Ruxton, [tantek]1, it looks like this conversation is getting pretty technical (blockchain, ActivityPub, protocol), can you take it to #indieweb-dev?
fair enough Loqi
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Moving over to my own static site generator" https://jamesg.blog/2021/11/30/moving-to-my-own-static-site-generator/
Sadale_ joined the channel
Breaking: The UK's Competition and Markets Authority has directed Facebook to sell Giphy. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FFbvyRzX0AISMZe.jpg
(appeal in 5... 4... 3... 2...)
tetov-irc, gRegor, schmudde, n8chz, IWSlackGateway1, sp1ff`, blahblah441_, IWSlackGateway2, joshproehl, GWG and blahblah441 joined the channel
Hi guys. Stupid question - does the indieweb 'registration' for a domain need to live on the 'www' of that domain? I'm spinning up a second site and I'd like to make that my indieweb point of contact if possible (I never could get the tags integrated into my original site's theme)
fcser joined the channel
Like, if I have www.feoh.org - my original blog, with zero indieweb tags, and a new site at http://blah.feoh.org - can my indieweb 'feoh.org' tags live there instead and have things like WebMention etc still work?
[manton] joined the channel
feoh: Depends on what tag you mean?
Which is your identity
Www isn't required, but which is meant to represent you has to be consistent
If you have a second subdomain you just need to mark it up related to the first
What I'm asking is - where do the indieweb tags need to live?
I only want/need ONE domain registration
Anywhere as long as you mark it up correctly
Doesn't need a www or not
Right. Thanks.
So my nefarious plan will work :)
aaronpk joined the channel
If you want someone to check that you marked things up consistently someone here can
Appreciate it. I'll let you know when it's ready. Creating a GatsbyJS blog and there's a nice Indieweb plugin for it.
sp1ff`` joined the channel
@feoh: I'm currently using Gatsby too πŸ‘‹ Not saying my implementation is necessarily the best example, but I at least have the ability to show webmentions and log in to the Wiki using it, so if it's helpful feel free to have a prod about: https://github.com/theAdhocracy/theadhocracy-web
(oh wow that's a large preview image on Discord πŸ˜… )
[theAdhocracy] theadhocracy-web: The personal website of Murray Adcock, aka @theAdhocracy
Murray[d]: Thanks much! I'm just pleased there's an indieweb plugin :)
yewscion joined the channel
Murray[d]: Also really like the site design. Your color choices are cheerful and bright without being day-glo or unreadable.
Thanks, that's pretty much what I was going for πŸ˜„
Wittgenstein[d], KartikPrabhu and gxt joined the channel
"Under our private information policy, you can’t share the following types of private information or media...NEW: media of private individuals without the permission of the person(s) depicted."
"When we are notified by individuals depicted, or by an authorized representative, that they did not consent to having their private image or video shared, we will remove it. This policy is not applicable to media featuring public figures or individuals when media and accompanying Tweet text are shared in the public interest or add value to public discourse."
that's quite a change! maybe intended to cut down on doxing?
maybe? also unfortunate timing, day after announcing a new CEO
timdream joined the channel
change is coming!
alex11, schmudde, gxt, yewscion, tetov-irc and Moosadee joined the channel