#indieweb 2021-12-01

2021-12-01 UTC
marksuth, IWSlackGateway, sm2n, joshproehl, sennomo, Seirdy, Kerim5391[d], srushe, jetpack, KartikPrabhu, vroman, yar and gRegor joined the channel
Charlie Stross has been indie for years and is now going to be self-hosting http://www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/2021/11/outage-report.html
tech suggestions? (he want's to host and moderate his own comments)
I munged MT into static via hugo before, but not with a comment system
chenghiz_, KartikPrabhu, P1000[d] and gerben joined the channel
Good morning to you all. I am writing an essay for a [Global Internet Governance](https://www.univiu.org/fall-2021?view=resource&id=1437) course and I want to focus on centralization vs decentralization. Do you have **academic literature to suggest**?
(I am also looking for a paper going through the initial history of the WWW and pointing out its intrinsic independence and anarchism, being the “original sin” of the internet, and leading to the ease of monopoly growth)
Thank you very much!
what is decentralized?
decentralized is an adjective used to describe a system (often a network) where central authority is diminished, delegated, or possibly even eliminated (in that last case also known as fully decentralized or distributed) https://indieweb.org/decentralized
^-- read up :)
jamietanna joined the channel
Tommi[m]: I remember these two thesis(es?) posted here and related to indieweb, but they might not be exactly what you're after:
http://dr.amy.gy/ "The Presentation of Self on a Decentralised Web" by rhiaro_
https://dissertation.jackjamieson.net/ "Independent Together: Building and Maintaining Values in a Distributed Web Infrastructure" by [jackjamieson]
[Jack Jamieson] Independent Together: Building and Maintaining Values in a Distributed Web Infrastructure
yo, Twitter down for anyone else?
all good here in AU
home page and permalinks failing here
turns off nitter redirect to check twitter
works for me
Rallygatti[d] joined the channel
it's back for me now
sayanarijit[d] and hala-bala[m] joined the channel
not sure where to capture this, example of how "interoperability" between big players takes "bizdev" (social networking) more than it does anything technical like "standards": https://www.theverge.com/2021/11/4/22764539/instagram-twitter-timeline-image-preview-feud
oh boy yes.
BigShip8 joined the channel
That was definitely the value of confs like foo and IIW, and old SXSW in that you could have informal chats about that kind of thing without having public rows. I think of it more as devrel than bizdev though. Also the bit of that job at Google that management understood least though.
was there much interop that came out of IIW beyond very early days of OAuth?
and even then, OAuth itself never actually created an ecosystem of interop, only islands of service providers and per-provider client apps
hey [tantek]1: I don't mean to be a bother, but OAuth seems like a better conversation for #indieweb-dev
hah true Loqi
_inky, schmudde, jamietanna, jjuran, tetov-irc, yewscion, KartikPrabhu and justache joined the channel
folks who are good at cataloguing & archiving footage, i’d love some help. i input a request for my twitter archive for this account & @taliaotg but who knows if that’ll complete or be accessible if they suspend me before that’s done.
justache, chenghiz_, schmudde, n8chz, _inky, campegg, [jeremycherfas], KartikPrabhu, [will] and [Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
[tantek]1: I picked up Swarm because of the Indieweb community and own your swarm, not the other way round, so I suppose I'm curious about how people use it in that manner
For example, out of order posting you do...
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Serendeputy, a /discovery service has been doing some updates recently. It's not a bad replacement for those who liked Nuzzel: https://serendeputy.com/ Might also be of interest to capjamesg with respect to discovery and search problems you've been working on.
A small bit of inspiration from Netlify to ship some side projects or whimsy this advent: https://twitter.com/jlengstorf/status/1466086671116488706?s=20
MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION PLZ like many developers, I have a LOT of domains I bought for projects that are... let's say "on hold" this month we're challenging developers to finally ship those domains — and we're ready to put our money where our mouth is! https://dusty.domains
I use Swarm as a convenient UI for personal location logging primarily (hence sometimes the explicit "out of order posting"), and second for recommendations in cities (places my friends have been to, and their tips)
[tantek]1: I have not yet used Swarm for your tips
I prefer Blue Diamond to Silk
What is a personal library?
A personal library is an online collection of books that reflects either physical or digital items one owns, wants to acquire, has bookmarked to read, is currently reading, or read in the past https://indieweb.org/personal_library
personal library << http://boris.libra.re/library, generated apparently using data from [[Calibre]]
ok, I added "http://boris.libra.re/library, generated apparently using data from [[Calibre]]" to the "See Also" section of /personal_library https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=78103&oldid=77517
I like the idea that he separates his books there even by color: http://boris.libra.re/library/?i=color. Not sure what value that has other than "It was that book with a reddish color" and using it to narrow down choices to find a book you vaguely remember, but it does add some whimsy value.
mdemo, [tw2113_Slack_], gRegor, gRegorLove_, maxwelljoslyn[d], schmudde and thrrgilag joined the channel
What is year in review?
Year in Review is a feature on some silos (like Facebook) as well as being a special kind of article on some IndieWeb sites that summarizes important aspects of the past year https://indieweb.org/year_in_review
Anyone starting to think about work related to year in review yet? I was reminded about a small project I bookmarked earlier this year about doing a "year in marginalia" https://boffosocko.com/2021/06/09/55792044/
[Chris Aldrich] This is a phenomenal way to do a look back at a year in reading. I’ll have to consider how to pull it off for myself this year.
i haven’t missed my read a bit each weekend goals, but I did read a LOT less compared to past years
What is a carnival?
It looks like we don't have a page for "carnival" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "carnival is ____", a sentence describing the term)
What is a blog carnival?
blog carnival was an early form of independent, personally curated content aggregation, often hosted by different people in rotation, in which the host would write a post linking to any posts submitted on the chosen topic https://indieweb.org/blog_carnival
Carnival is a blog carnival.
jjuran, tetov-irc, Seirdy and KartikPrabhu joined the channel