#indieweb 2021-12-09

2021-12-09 UTC
Depending on how you're actively using your tags (or not), the distinction between "topics" and "objects" may be helpful: https://zettelkasten.de/posts/object-tags-vs-topic-tags/
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Going with some of Kevin's advice, I most often use the plural, but have been known to use the singular to indicate possession, so "commonplace books" when it is about the broader topic or versions of others, but "commonplace book" when it is something about my own personal commonplace book.
I do use categories, but they tend to be broader catch-all terms that might subsume larger numbers of tags. Otherwise they are broader topic areas which have more material. Once I've collected more than around 200 posts with a particular tag, I'll sometimes promote it to a category.
Playing off the old saw "Tell me who your friends are, and I'll tell you who you are", I recently saw the quote "Tell me what you collect, and I'll tell you who you are." That and this discussion of taxonomies on a website makes me wonder who shows/doesn't show this data publicly? With or without post counts for the number of times one has made posts with those taxonomies? What does your taxonomy tell us about your identity?
Anecdotally I'll mention that a few times I have written custom code so that some of my taxonomies don't display on my site or advertise towards my identity. (I've hidden taxonomy words in sidebars that contained the names of divisive leaders or potentially triggering words for example.)
I've wondered about the privacy implications of exposing too much of my tagging system, but haven't changed anything yet. Someone could conceivably look at the changes in tags over time on my site, and determine something about me (probably "oh look he must've gotten a new camera at this point" hehe).
But my main joy in tags has come as I've connected more of them to Wikidata items, because now when I tag a post it autocompletes on Wikidata labels and so I can be very precise (and verbose!) in what's being tagged.
samwilson, what are Wikidata items/labels?
My WordPress will autocomplete tags and categories, but I often use other external systems like Hypothes.is or micropub clients to make posts and it drives me crazy to have mismatched taxonomies across platforms.
https://wikidata.org is a repository of data about everything (places, concepts, people, etc.), and each thing has a label. For instance, if I have a post about a particular lighthouse, I can start typing "Leeuwin Lig" and it'll auto complete on the full "Leeuwin Lighthouse" item.
items on wikidata also have ways of linking between taxonomies
I have been thinking about the difference between taxonomies of things (usually plural) and page headings in Wikis which are usually singular, and the differences there.
samwilson, you're using MediaWiki for many things, right? How have you wired that together with wikidata.org? I ought to do that once I've fixed a couple of installs that my host auto-updated and are now not resolving properly.
no, I must admit I've sort of given up on MW for my personal site! terrible I know. :) But it was proving too annoying for many things, especially as I now have 25k photos loaded.
linking a wiki to wikidata is far more annoying than it should be, when the wiki is outside the Wikimedia world
(You've dashed my dreams of there being a MW webmention plugin... 😞)
no no! I still have just such a thing, it's not quite working yet...
i do still maintain a few wikis, which could benefit from better integration into indieweb stuff
Hope has 1 karma over the last year
yes your tagcloud says a lot about you
I wonder if Flickr still supports that
but so would a histogram of all the words you use (minus stopwords obv)
add geolocation, and it gets worse :)
This reminds me that I should spend a bit of the holiday slimming down the number of entries on my /index.
oh my goodness Flickr still supports a full public tag index and I had NO IDEA how many tags I've used over time: https://www.flickr.com/photos/tantek/tags/
This makes me wonder if GWG has considered doing some of his /location work as taxonomies?
I've been trying to link tags to location, so that when I add a tag it automatically moves the map to a place, and when I move the map it suggests tags.
wow tantek... that's a list!
what is a tags page
A tags page is a page that shows the tags in use by posts or other content on a specific site, or a way of browsing specific tag pages on a tag aggregation site, sometimes displayed as a tag cloud https://indieweb.org/tags_page
tags page << Silo Example: https://www.flickr.com/photos/tantek/tags/ (and a UI display challenge for the sheer number of tags)
ok, I added "Silo Example: https://www.flickr.com/photos/tantek/tags/ (and a UI display challenge for the sheer number of tags)" to the "See Also" section of /tags_page https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=78234&oldid=78035
Does Flickr display them by number of times used?
I'll bet there's a long tail of 1x...
samwilson, I'm curious if you know of anyone in the MediaWiki space who's done any interesting work in displaying links back to a page (commonly backlinks) using something like the "what links to this page" functionality? I've got a few different versions, including this one: https://indieweb.org/User:Boffosocko.com#Backlinks but I'd love other UI examples, particularly when trying to display large numbers as highlighted by
tantek's example with Flickr above.
Note taking apps like Obsidian, TiddlyWiki, and Roam Research have been adding this sort of functionality along with [[wikilinks]] for note taking and I think MW could be an interesting tool for this sort of work if it had more IndieWeb functionality like Webmentions and Micropub support for publishing.
hmm no I'm not sure. the data is certainly there in wikis, so it's not hard to display it in whatever way, but usually it's just an alphabetical list
KartikPrabhu, schmudde and campegg joined the channel
I missed it earlier in the year apparently, but hiding in the recap for the Mastodon network this year: https://mastodon.social/@Decentralize_today/105568887053100411 It's a nice win for IndieWeb that they didn't say that the real boyfriend didn't have his own website. 😸
n8chz joined the channel
[Decentralize.Today] Not on social media? [video]
pepper and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
On the long tail of tags, Pinboard allows you to download a list of tags with frequency and I have tried to set aside time to weed that, fixing plurals, capitalizations etc. but it has become much harder to maintain lately because the bookmarklet no longer displays tags, which I know it used to do. I can’t seem to work out why.
That is so many tags [tantek]!
klez, lagash, rrix_, Oclair and Oclair_ joined the channel
capjamesg[d] ikr? I was a stream of consciousness tagger on my Flickr photos, which I also never explicitly titled (because that took too much time / mental energy per photo for the number of photos I used to post)
[manton], [Sean], tetov-irc, n8chz, schmudde, gxt, pepper, Seb[d] and jeremycherfas joined the channel
#FlorencePugh says she can’t post #Hawkeye images on Instagram anymore after fans complained about spoilers https://etcanada.com/news/846221/florence-pugh-blocked-from-posting-hawkeye-images-on-instagram/
Instagram << Criticism: censorship of self-posts! https://twitter.com/ETCanada/status/1468940900382486537
gRegor, jgee4, sp1ff, KartikPrabhu, EvanBoehs[m], jamietanna[m], jryans, zwro[m], MatrixTravelerbo, glenn[m], benatkin, guss77[m], LaBcasse[m], hala-bala[m], Lohn, jfkimmes[m], npd[m], Abhas[m], HarryCoburn[m], ballpointcarrot[, zblesk[m], vikanezrimaya, PeterMolnar[m], samwilson, doubleloop[m], mlncn, diegov, rommudoh[m], reed, mambang[m], walkah[m], nekr0z, threewordchant, Tommi[m], Phil[m]1, jamesg[m], tetov-irc and n8chz joined the channel